Jealousy and encounter

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Happy holidays everypony!!!

I'm so good of making Soarin all jelly and JEALOUS! Do you agree?

Aw but I do feel his XD

Back to the topic, the picture above which I can't find a rainbow blitz without DAT annoying changeling. Its moi story, and Rainbow Blitz is not a changeling!

Hope you enjoy and pls comment down the correct spelling of intensely ok? Tnx!

Try playing "jealous" by Nick jonas while reading this chappie.

Third person (author):

After the Shadowbolt war/attack, Soarin just shakes it off and looked at his sleeping Rainbow all peacefully asleep and tired.

He chuckled then decided to make something for her, since she can't walk, even fly.

He went to the kitchen and starts to make Waffles (a/n: I can't choose! XD)

And he heard hoofsteps coming downstairs to the kitchen. (A/n: she still has two hooves ok?)

"Morning Dashie!" He greeted warmly.

"Morning... Do I smell waffles?" She asked with a small tint of blush forming in her cheeks.

"Eeyup! Here ya go." He handed a plate full of waffles with whip cream.

They ate and ate when they heard a knock from Rainbow's door. "Ugh, horseapples, who could knock on someone's door early this morning??!!"

She walked slowly and opened it. It was her friend, Rainbow Blitz from the parallel universe. (A/n: Duh! I can!)

"Hiya Dash!" He greeted with glee, waving his hoof to Rainbow dash.

They hoofbumped at each other. Soarin, on the other hand, felt kinda annoyed or maybe you can say feel kinda jelly.

"Hey don't forget that I'm also here!" Sapphire knocked at the door.

Soarin smiled "Hi li'l sis!" and rushed to hug his little sister. "H-hey big bro, I know you missed me and all but please leggo, I-I c-cant breeaathhh..." she wheezed.

"Hiya Saph! What brings you here? Last time I saw you, you're in the crystal empire, doing...egghead-stuff." Rainbow Dash laid out a playful smile as she rolls her eyes.

Sapphire giggled in reply "Heh, how's your book, Rainbow? Are you gonna publish it soon?" She asked.

While the mares are busy chatting, the colts however are just staring each other intensely.

Who the hay is this Rainbow Buck think he is, Acting all friendly to Dash? Soarin grumbled in his thoughts.

Is this the so-called idol named Soarin? Psh...he looks like a dweeb! Im better that that charcoal-mane dweeb. Rainbow Blitz did the same.

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