Rescue the rainbow part 2

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Guys, there is still part three of 'rescue the rainbow' so stay updated! Luv!


No one's pov:

As Soarin and the rest of the mane 6 along with the rest of the wonderbolts anxiously and swiftly flew to the place where the cyan mare has been held captive, Rainbow dash opened her eyes and scanned the darkness around her.

"Ugh, where am I? Its kinda stinks here." She said as she tried to move around.

"Oh you're awake!" A voice emerged from somewhere. Rainbow Dash looked, it is Stratus.

"Stratus! Oh thank celestia you're here! Where am I? Where's Soarin and the others?" She asked.

"You're here, at OUR home. And don't worry about Soarin and your friends, they wont look for you." The dark pegasi replied with a evilish grin and wide eyes.

"Stratus...w-what did you do?" She asked while trembling from fear of what Stratus might do to her friends especially Soarin.

"Oh nothing really, let's just say, I ponynapped you. And my stupid wonder-dork cousin of mine wont steal you from me! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Stratus has gone crazy, more crazier than Pinkie pie.

Rainbow Dash tried to escape but her hooves are tied into chains and she couldn't move an inch. "W-why w-would you ponynapped me? Did i do something b-bad to you? If i did, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed while tears are forming in her eyes.

"Oh my Rainbow, don't cry, you didn't anything bad to me." He reassured as he caressed her face.

"Just sleep my Dashie...we have a new future tomorrow..." Then he knocked the cyan mare to sleep.


"Were here." Sapphire Skies told everypony.

"Are yah' sure this crappy place is where they held Rainbow captive?" -Apple jack

"Are you sure your'e not tricking us?" -Rarity

"Are you sure you're in our side?" -Pinkie Pie

"Are you sure you're not a shadowbolt like your brother?" -Spitfire and Fleetfoot

"Can you stop asking questions about my cousin? She's on our side and she's helping us save our friend." Soarin's tone became serious and that made the mares quiet down.

"So here's the plan..."

*[A while of fighting (i got lazy, sowee! -3-)]*

"Welp, that was easy." Soarin Said.


"Let's go." Sapphire skies said as they went inside the shadowbolt hq.

As they went there, they saw something that will anger the other ponies especially Soarin...

Stratus is raping Rainbow dash.


Hi guys! i hope you like this new update! i appreciate all the 2k reads, comments andv votes in this story! u all made me wanna update again! And i will! I promise u all that!

so wadda u think about the new chappie?

Do you think Soarin will make Stratus pay for raping Dashie?

Do you think Sapphire skies will betray soarin and the others?

Do you think she will side her brother instead?

Up to the next update! 



I really love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon