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Hey there awesome-nerds! im sorry if i haven't been updating any chappies for a long, loong,LOOOOONNNGGG! time.

Im busy with my school work because I almost...failed. But NOT TO WORRY!! Im BAACCKK! And ready for some Aaaaaccction!

Anyone tell me who recognizes this anime??? Its soo cute! ^w^

Oh and plz tell me the correct spelling of 'maniaclly' ok? Tnx guys! I can get really confused sometimes and my vocabs are not as great as shakespere tho.

Soarin's pov:

I saw her screaming in pain...

He's hurting her...

I clenched my teeth, trying to control my emotions.

"Strat! What are you doing?!" Sapphire cried.

"Stay back! STAY BACK!!! YOU HAVE NO BUSSINESS HERE! Youre getting in my way, YOU ALL ARE! Why does everypony get in my way?! This is so frustating!!!!" He screamed hysterically. I've never seen him acting like this...before...

"Stop hurting Rainbow Dash, Stratus!" Twilight pleaded, approaching him.

"SHUT THE FVCK UP, PRINCESS BRAT!!! ONE MORE APPROACH AND I SWEAR IM GONNA DO IT  TO HER!!" He shouted, as a obsessed  psychopath should act like. He's gone mad! I gotta rescue Dash before starts to loose it!

"Stratus...calm down, please, we're begging you, just don't hurt  Dash...give her to us..." I tried to calm him down but it doesn't seem to work.

He screamed "AAAHHHHH!!"  But laughed after that "aha,hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." His voiced died down after that.

"Do you think I'm dumb?! Seriously?! How fvcked up your puny minds are?! Oh, wait you, you seriously think I would give back Rainbow to you?! Wake up, ponies!" He shouted as he gritted his teeth and his eyes are almost to pop out of his sockets.

We just remained silent as we thought about our plan. But we need Sapphire as our diversion.

I eyed my horrified cousin but she didn't pay attention to my signal of our plan.

She quietly approached Stratus and...


She slapped him at his face and remained in that position, with an tone of rage she shouted  "WAKE UP?! WAKE. UP?! YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WAKING UP! YOU  SHUT THE FVCK UP! YOU THINK THAT BY JUST PONYNAPPING RAINBOW WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU?! WAKE UP! ARE YOU REALLY MY BROTHER?!" She starts to cry while hitting her brother.

" fact you were never my sister in the first place anyway..." Stratus snickered.

Sapphire backed away, eyes wider like she have seen a ghost. "W-what...?" Then she remained her strong and fierce expression on her face.

"Oh...Skyra didn't tell you?" He still have his evil snicker plastered on his face.

"Stratus, she's our mom. Respect her." She eyed him.

"Let me tell you a tale...of a little pegasi baby, she is indeed a darling, having that brown and blue locks of mane, fur pale as snow and eyes that were like sapphires sparkling in the midle of the night." He began telling something.

"But then, she was stolen from her mother by her own sister...then she told her sister that the little filly of hers is dead. She cried, while at home, she told her other filly...which is me, that I have a sister. I wasn't grateful because I know that she stole her from aunt Crystal and uncle Glide." My mom and Dad? Why are they involved in this?

I really love youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon