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After the not so nice visit to her former pack Athena was glad to be home they took Taylor with them as promised after logan called the Dr to tend to her wounds “ if you ever go there again logan count me out” Athena said with her hands on her hips logan still reeling from what he just witnessed “ let's hope their heir is a much better alpha in the near future” he sighed as his mate rolled her eyes logan could understand that Athena really didn't want to deal with that part of her former life anymore as that pack wasn't home to her his pack was they treated her like she mattered she was valuable and wanted more importantly she feels loved and appreciated and for him he can see that everclear really need a good dose of a reality check they are so behind the times their omegas should a valued member of their pack it baffles him to see how certain packs treat members in different ways.

Taylor was busy being seen by the doctor " sire, miss Taylor has sustained a kick to the ribs and minor bruises she will heal however I'm deeply concerned about her weight she's malnourished ill  be placing her on a stain diet for weight gain only " he in forms him " see that she's taken care of my luna wants her living in the ladies quarters " he says.

One of logans men walked towards him. " Welcome home, alpha, we need to talk to you about something it's a rather delicate matter." Logan sighs pinching the sides of his nose " Joseph can it wait till morning it's been a long day" he breathes out " but sir it's regarding the luna" Logan paused " what about her?" He said this made Axel's ears prick up " what did he say" his lycan came to " like I said it's a rather delicate and serious matter " very well hold a meeting in the common room ill be there" he advised Joseph.

" You know he is going to lose his mind.

" it's rumours for now but better to be safe than sorry,"  Joseph tells the other man, " it's your funeral ." They both walk toward the room.

Rumours were running hot that summer was planning to escape where she was doing her sentence it was also alleged that she had help as well and if logan were to get wind of this he would stop at nothing to make sure she never saw the light of day.

However once Joseph walked into the room logan sat down " tell me about the Rumours is there truth to them?" He stared down at the two men when lyle looked at Joseph and mind linked him and said " I told you so" Joseph spoke up " alpha we heard that she is planing it soon not sure when but also when it happens it's is believed she is coming after luna Athena " logans breathing excelerated " over my dead body" he said gritting his teeth.

Their meeting continued as they talked for many hours coming up with a plan but also hoping that they never have to use it.

Copyright © sallymarie84 2023
This material is written and owned by me under the section of the copyright law act 1986 no publication or reproduction or distribution be transmitted do not repost or post on other media sites with out prior written consent from the publisher.

Oooooooh we are coming up to the best parts now..
Hi guys sorry this chapter was very late my humble apologies alas it is here I hope you all had a happy Easter or holidays which ever you celebrate p.s I was also recently recovery from the flu.

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Much love ❤️

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