Falling For a Riddle

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I just came up with like five ideas for a story today and decided to try one out. 

This is a Harry Potter fan-fic and any People, Places, Ideas or things previously created by J.K. Rowling belong to her and are not mine.

This takes place when Tom and Venus were fifteen thus it is 1944, and that also means that world war II is currently taking place, being as world war II didn't end until 1945. Just some helpful facts if I don't explain that well enough below...


Venus Lialius P.O.V. 

Walking down the cold streets of winter I shivered, I produced a small flame in my hand for warmth before continuing. There is this thing about me that sets me off from other people, ever since I was twelve I've been able to do strange things, like move objects across the room or create fire. It's come in handy these last couple of years on the streets, but I will never get over the cold winters in London. This is one the coldness nights I've experienced and I'm still in a weak state after being released from jail for stealing, before you judge it's steal or die for me. I saw a light through the dense snow fall and made my way to it, hoping that it is a bar, or somewhere I could warm up in. Greatly disappointed it turned out to be just a man holding a light. I sighed and took refuge on the ground curing up to get the most warmth I could from the small fire I had produced.

"Are Venus Lialius?" The man asked now standing directly before me, the wind and snow not seeming to bother him in the slightest. I put out my fire knowing the reaction it causes people to have and looked at him.

"What's it to ya?" I asked rudely, as I got up ready to fight if for some reason this man wanted to.

"I take that as a yes, come with me" He directed. 

"And why would I follow a complete stranger?" I asked

"Because you'll get out of this storm now come along" He ordered and walked off. I debated whether to follow or not, but before he left my sight I walked after him. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to get out of the could, and if matters go to the worse I can always run right? I have 'super powers' on my side. 

Being sure to stay a good yard or two behind the man I followed him to an old pub I have never seen before. Upon entering I felt my whole body warm up and the old man sat down at a table in the nearly empty pub.

"Come over here Ms. Lialius" The man said. I tentatively sat down across from him and waited for him to explain how he knows me and what he wants.

"My name's Professor Dumbledore" He said "and I'm here to offer you a spot at my school." He said. I raised an eyebrow, I haven't been to school since I was twelve, when I was kicked out of the house and sent to a horrid orphanage. I didn't stay at that orphanage more than a week before I ran away and have been on the street ever since. I'll do random jobs for some people, steal from others. I've met a few people here and there who have helped me along but really I'm a loner.

"Mhmm, school" I said in complete disbelief, no in the incredulous way but in the roll your eye's way. "Well I'm gonna leave now" I said and stood to head out into the cold. As I stood the man, Professor Dumbledore, raised an eyebrow

"You're gonna go back into the blizzard rather than listen to me offer you a position at a school, where you will be fed and warm?" He asked as if my actions humored him. Crossing my arms over my chest I shot him daggers and sat down.

"So how do you know me?" I asked. Dumbledore laughed at my position and glare. I didn't. When he realized I was going to join he composed himself and began his little speech.

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