Chapter 9

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Sorry about the wait, I really have no excuse but I thought you would all like to know that I have found a new favorite song for the moment. It is called "Wavin' Flag" yup... Well lets write the chapter!

There is a bit of cursing here... lets just say that from here on out there is a chance of cursing occurring.



I gritted my teeth as I watched Venus leave the room. I glared at nothing in particular and muttered a quick spell.

"Accio" The plate came flying into my grasp and I changed it back to a plate. I calmed myself down into my usual brooding state and strode out of the classroom. If I didn't have to stay on these teachers good side she would be long gone, would have died her first day here along with all the other mudbloods. If it wasn't for that stupid muggle Tom and wench Murope I would have a home and wouldn't have to worry about not going back to that damned orphanage. I could've kept that obelisk out and have all the mudbloods long gone. I snapped out of my rant from the sound of heals on the quiet floor. When I walk past most of the students stop what they are doing, to either cower against the wall, scurry away, or oogle my presence. Only a handful of students don't, and only one of those where heals... Marcy... I cringed slightly but pretended I didn't hear her and kept walked down the hall at a slightly faster pace. Suddenly a hand shot out and pulled me into a door. I had my wand out within a second but before I could do anything a hand was over my mouth, I began a wordless spell but my wands was taken from my grasp surprising me.The room was pitch-black and I could not see my attacker. I was about to attack physically when a voice spoke.

"Stop it, I just saved you from Marcy. Do you really want to go out there" It was a harsh whisper, the voice was obviously a girls who was trying to disguise it as a guys. I said nothing and ripped my mouth from her weakened grasp. The sound of clicking heals faded out and I spoke.

"Give me my wand" I said threateningly, I would have tackled them had it not been for the lack of light. There was the sound of a wand clattering to the floor and the prominent presence of the person blocking the door was gone. I reached for the handle, missing it on my first try, and opened the door to see a completely empty room, with no other doors to leave by, and my wand on the floor. I looked around once more to see a window open behind the curtains. Looking out the window I realized I was in one of the towers, it was at least a thirty foot drop if not more. There was no one outside the window either. Disturbed I left the room, heading for the common rooms.

"What the he-" I started when I was hit with a sheet of paper "-ll just happened" I said slower picking up the sheet.

'cussing is rude' It read, I looked up to see that mute girl walking down the hall.


Mysterious Person's P.O.V. (The chick who was in the room with Tom)

BWAHAHAHAHAHA that was awesome!


Ven's P.O.V.

I walked down the hall furious, who had won that round? I did! The score board stands at 3-2, still in my favor woo hoo! I felt a small smirk tugging at my lips but I kept my face neutral. I went straight to the common rooms, not bothering to grab a bite from the dinning hall before dinner ends. Sitting down on the couch I pulled out my quill and began drawling again. The portrait door opened. I looked up slightly to be sure it wasn't Ora, but found Tom. I looked down to my drawling, while listening to Tom's footsteps to hear him walk up the stairs into the boys dorms. Then the portrait opened again and a stead flow of kids began entering. I put my notebook away as I say Ana, Ora, Ally, and Rom.

"Hey guys" I said. There was a chorus of hello's.

"I got you some food, because you weren't at dinner" Ally said handing me a muffin.

"Thanks" I said looking down at the muffin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ally and Ana exchange glances, before looking over at Ora who got this sort of mad glint in her eye. I took less then a step back before Ally and Ana grabbed both of my arms and started hauling me to the boys dorm.

"THE MUFFIN!" Ally shouted, as I half struggled against their grasp,to my forgotten muffin that was dropped on the ground. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" she fell to her knees and raised both hands into the air, letting go of me in the process.

"He died so young" Ana sniffed as she kneeled too picking up my muffin from the ground and cradling it in her hands.

"Does this happen alot?" I asked Ora as I walked over to her.

'About every day' she signed back, placing her elbow on my shoulder.

"It will be okay, we can still eat it right? five second rule?" Ally tried to reason with Ana.

"Of course! Don't worry little buddy, you will be eaten yet!" Ana said, both turned their heads to me and split the muffin in half. Each holding half a muffin they slowly walked up to me.

"Good luck young grasshopper" Rom said from my left. I took a step back but before the foot even reached the ground.

"GRAB HER!" Ana and Ally shouted together. Ora and Rom didn't even pause before grabbing one of my arms each. "Eat little bobby EAT HIM!" Ana ordered picking off a chunk of the muffin.

"NE-" I tried to shout but the muffin was stuffed in my mouth before I could finish. I was forced to swallow. "What th-" I tried again but more muffin was shoved in. "St-" More muffin. I stopped tyring to speak as I sent them a playful glare. I quickly ripped my grasp from Rom and spun out of Ora's grip. In the same move I jumped onto Ora's back and she instinctively grabbed me so it was a piggy back.

"RUN ORA RUN!" I shouted. Instead Ora dropped me. "Well then don't save me..." I muttered from the ground. When I realized I wasn't being attacked anymore I looked up to see Ana and Ally stuffing their mouths with 'little Bobby'.


I know I know, A week wait and onlly a page... well I'm going to try to do more next time?

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