chapter 5, uncreative title

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I have two parties today, I FEEL SO POPULAR! Any way during one of them me and my friends are going to burn all of our school stuff from last year, we all got excited 'cause we wanted to burn our MLA books.... turns out we need it next year and don't get a new one so we can't burn it... :( This took me two days to write since I got distracted yesterday, so we weren't able to burn our stuff though because it got rained out :( but on the bright side I made a new friend AND we watched tangled! OH YA BEAT THAT! Also sorry if this turns out bad, I have started reading again.... For me that means I wake up in the morning and read, then I go to bed at night... Ya.... But I've run out of books so now I'm re-reading the seventh Harry Potter book, while I wait for my friend to give me her copies of the other series I'm reading because the library doesn't have them. 


Aurora's P.O.V.

I followed Vanora over to the corner where Vanessa, Vitality, and some random guy who I don't know the name of were standing staring at me with confusion. Vanora seemed to be the only people in the Slytherin common room, not glaring or giving me confused looks. She seemed content and understanding. I'll have to ask her why later.

"So this is where you two ran off to?" I asked Vitality and Vanessa. Snapping back into reality they focused on my and started bursting with questions.

"What was that?"

"Why didn't you beat him up?"

"Why did you just diss the hottest guy in Slytherin?" The two asked the last question at the same time. 

"Ummm well that was me giving Tom what he deserves, he deserves it because I hate suck ups and bullies and he's a suck up and a bully. Lastly.... what do you mean hottest guy in Slytherin?" I asked them raising an eyebrow. The dude standing with them immediately started shaking his hands, trying to warn me to to stop, as Vanora's eye got wide and she covered her ears.

"BECAUSE LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!" Vitality screeched

"His dark.... handsome eyes.... his brown hair.... his lean figure! Plus he found who opened the chamber last year! AND he has straight A's and is expected to have strait O's on the OWLS! He also is the star chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team!" Vanessa gushed overjoyed. Now I understand why they didn't include him in there rant about Slytherin earlier... I thought to my self looking at them. I rolled my eyes at the two of them who were now off in la la land, and turned to Vanora who was unclutching her ears cautiously.

"It's safe" I smiled. "they have a crush?" I asked 

'Of course, they have been crushing on him, along with all the other Slytherin girls, since first year. It's quite annoying' She signed

"And why are you impervious to this spell of star struck girls?" I asked a small smile on my face. Her eye's darkened a shade

'Because I see him for what he really is' She signed. I nodded and looked up to see the one boy looking as confused as ever. 

"Did you understand that?" He asked eyes wide staring at Vanora's hands.

"Uh yea... its called SIGN LANGUAGE" I said enounciating 'sign language'

"I know that" He snapped his head to me "I was just surprised that she knew it and you understood." 

"Whoa YOU KNOW SIGN LANGUAGE!" Vanessa shouted, out of la la land now.

"ya...." Is it really that surprising I thought to myself

"HOW?!?!?!" She shouted. I stared at her for a couple of seconds before responding(A/N I'm listening to a really funny song and am having major issues staying focased and writing a serious part...)

"My brother is deaf" I said

"Oh....." Vanessa said looking down at her hands. I ignored her pitying gesture and turned to the dude.

"Okay who the heck are you?" I asked tired of talking to a nameless person.

"Ramachandra and you are?" He asked

"OH! Your the guy they ditched us for...." I said without answering his question

"HA SUCKS!" He shouted pointing at me. I rolled my eyes. We lapsed into silence and I looked at him, he was Indian with dark brown or black eyes and about 5'8 ". His hair was black and short.

"Well Rom, we have been kicked out of our room. Your room?" Vitality asked

"AGAIN! This happens every night! I swear I more of your roommate then your roommate is!" Ramachandra shouted


"Fine come on you guys, I still have the sleeping bags..." He said. The three girls started following him up the opposite stairs, that I figured led to the boys dorm. I quickly followed after them and we came to a room. Ramachandra opened the door to show two boys wrestling on the floor and one other reading a book, completely ignoring the two of them. 

"They at it again?" Rom asked the boy reading

"Yup, just got back too. The girls with you?" 

"Yup, we got an extra one too. She just told off Tom too, sad that you missed it actually" The boy reading looked up from his book and stared at Ramachandra incredulously.

"Someone told off Tom... Man can't believe I missed it.." The kid shook his head and put his book down. "Well who is this chick?" Rom stopped searching through his trunk as he realized he never got my name. Turning around he raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Nicley played, now whats your name?" He asked me

"Ven, pleasure to meet you Ramachandra" I said a small smirk playing across my lips

"Oh yes... your definitely in Slytherin" He shook his head before turning back to his trunk. He pulled out three sleeping bags and pillows. Then he pulled out his wand and shouted "Accio Sleeping bag and pillow" After a minute or two of waiting another sleeping bag and pillow flew through the door. "Had to get this from home" He grinned before laying them out for us. 

"Were sleeping in here?" I asked

"Ya Marcy's not letting us back in there" Vanessa said. The boy who was reading before was completely engulfed in his book again and the two boys wrestling had disappeared to the bathroom by the time all for of us girls had fixed the sleeping bags too our liking and sat down. Looking across to Vanessa and Vanora I could not believe they weren't twins. 

"Explain to me how you guys aren't twins?" I asked them.  Vanessa just laughed

"We have no clue, but we aren't not even the same birthdays. She was born two weeks after me! I live with my mum and dad" Vanessa said. During which time Vanora was writing so that everyone would understand her. 

'I live with just my Dad' Vanora had written on a slip of paper.

"WAIT! You write on paper with a pencil!" I shouted

"Well carrying ink around is just a hassle, plus she's from the muggle world. She explained what they were so many times to people, it was really funny" Vitality said giggly. We talked for several more hours into the night about those three, I'm not ready to share about myself yet. Every time they tried to ask me a question I would ask them one, eventually they got the hint. But I learned that Vitality hated being called Vitality and goes by Ally, also that Vanessa and Vanora both used to go by Van but due to their... similar.... qualities they go by Esa and Ora now. Also that Esa and Ally grew up on the same street and are childhood friends. I also learned the names of the other three boys. Keith was the one reading and the two wrestling were Jose and Carlos. Eventually Rom shouted at us to shut up and threatened to kick us out of his room if we didn't.


I know it's short I'm just really distracted right now....


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