Chappie 2, two weeks left!!! of school for me I mean...

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I just realized I can include Hagrid in this still!!! and the chamber opened the year before I believe so poor moaning myrtle is already dead and Hagrid's wand already "broken" :(

Picture of her new hair style NOT OF HER, I don't give pics of my characters It ruins the imagination sorry... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Oh and again ya ya I know these arn't the fashions of the day but... she's just ahead of her time... lets go with that....


I WILL BE USING NOT GOOD WORDS IN HERE!! No they are not full out cuss words but they may still be considered "Bad" to some peoples ears and I just feel like warning y'alls....


Venus's P.O.V.

"What's your blood status?" He asked as we walked down the empty hall way.

"Blood status?" I asked confused

"Yes yes what are you, pure blood, Half-blood, or mud-blood" He sneered the last word as if it hurt him to even speak such a word.

"What are you talking about?" I ask clueless. He stopped walking and stared at me with an incredulos face that turned to a sneer.

"Mudblood in Slytherin what next..." He mumbled to himself and continued walking. Tom didn't speak until we reached a portrait.  Even though I hadn't the slightest clue what he was talking about I felt as if I had been severely insulted. No witty comeback left my mouth, though, because I was too busy marveling at everything around me. Moving and talking paintings were everywhere. I even saw a ghost float past. I nearly let out a scream when it came but held it in not wanting to give Tom any reason to insult me once again. 

"Pureblood" Tom spoke confidently to the portrait. The portrait swung open revealing a spacious room. The air was icy and the floor a cold black and green tile. There was fireplace showcasing an intriguing green fire that seemed to put out no heat. There were several black leather couchs that looked softer than anything I had ever seen. The room was dimly lit, only a couple candles placed throughout the room. There was a girl with white, not grey, hair sprawled out on the couch

"Hello Marcy" Tom greeted

"Hello Tom, who is this?" She asked in a rather sickly sweet tone.

"This.. This is a mudblood" Tom said. The girl, Marcy, turned that smile on her face up side down as she scowled at me. I rose and eyebrow.

"Really just like that" I snapped my fingers "And you don't like me. How are you to know Tom tells the truth. Maybe I am a Half-blood or a Pure blood how can you be sure that  something didn't happen to me so that I was raised no knowing of the wizarding world?" I said knowing fully well every world I had just spoken was b.s. Marcy rose and eyebrow.

"Well are you?" She asked the scowl staying in place. Tom simply rolled his eyes and walked off to the boys dormitory's

"I have no idea what a pure blood even is how should I know weather I'm one or not" I spoke to her.

"What ever you are you were raised by muggles and that's good enough for me. Good luck out there" She spoke the last part with enough sarcasm to kill a cat.  The girl got off the couch and strutted to the opposite set of stairs to the one Draco took. The common room was now empty and I sat down on the couch fuming. Not only have the only people I've met been arses but now I'm left in this room and don't know where I'm supposed to go. Laying back on the soft couch I sighed knowing that I will have to stay here. Suddenly I hear a thump and I jump up off the couch, turning around I see a head pop through the door, it had red hair and a pair of dull green eyes. Obviously not noticing me "it" turned out to be a she as the girl slipped into the room. Her robes had a gold and burgundy coloring to it rather than my green and silver. The girl pulled her wand out of her hair, causing the pin-straight hair to fall to it's full length down to her butt. She was about to mutter something when her eyes met mine.

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