chapter 4- school starts (for Ven not me that would stink if it started for me)

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WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm uber extremely hyper, I'm not really sure how long I'm going to be able to constrain myself so this chapter will either be EPIC or short... I don't know cause I haven't started writing it yet.... ANY WAY LETS WRITE/READ!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *starts skipping* *music plays* "We're off to see the WIZARD! The wonderful Wizard of Oz!" *Fades out* 

HEY Does anyone want to create a Slytherin Theme song, or a theme song for this story!!! Doesn't have to be good I just think it will be fun :)

Oh and no I did not plan for all there names to start with a V, I was just looking up names and all the ones I liked started with a V, I swear its not purposeful, and once I choose a name your not getting me to change it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------o---o[] (<-- that is supposed to be a truck)

Ven's P.O.V. (not that I have used any other P.O.V.'s for this story)

I was walking back to my room, in the Slytherin Common rooms, when I heard it. Voices were coming from below and the portrait was being continuously opened. All my tutoring sessions ended today, apparently I was caught up enough to follow what was going on in classes, and tomorrow normal classes start. I sat on my bed ignoring the voices, I didn't care. I wasn't going to go out of my way to make friends. Sure I'm friends with Weasley but apparently that's only in "private", Of course Ken knows about it know. Turns out he's her younger brother in the year below us, I just figured he was another ginger wizard. Footsteps trailed up the steps and I ignored them as I made the fire burn in my hand, the Slytherin common rooms were too cold for comfort. Voices wafted through the door and I heard snip's of peoples conversations as the ascended the stairs to there designated rooms.

"I got an Owl for christmass, can yo-"

"I missed you so much Sophia, I ca-"

"Did we go up one too many flights of stairs?"

"Do you need help with your trunk Hannah?"

It surprised me, how many people were coming, but I supposed it made sense. The class rooms were built to hold around fifty students, and the Great Hall was much too large for just that tiny table used during the winter breaks. The door opened to my room breaking me out of my thoughts, and the fire resting in my palm went out before any of the girls could notice it. Three girls entered, which makes sense since there are two bunk beds and a single in this room. The single occupied by the one and only Marcy. They didn't notice me, till turning to place there trunks on their bunks. Only one girl turned at first, she had golden blond hair that was in tight organised curls. She had green eyes that seemed florescent against her pail skin. She was probably in the mid five feet area and was stick thin. She dropped her trunk onto the floor, chin touching the floor. I sat there and smiled while kicking my feet back and forth, one of the many fun attributes of being short. The other two girls stopped talking to figure out why this one girl had stopped talking. They turned and saw me as well. The two girls appeared to be twins, both were the same height, maybe 5'7", with crystal blue eyes. The only difference was righty's (the one on the right) hair was in a pixie hair cut, while the other's, lefty's, was mid back. Both of their hair was the same shade of a chestnut brown and stick straight, until the ends where it had a slight natural curl.

"Hello" I said

"ummm...Hi?" Lefty said, raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Who are you?" Blondy asked bluntly after she regained her posture.

"Well, I'm assuming I'm your new roommate" I said

"No... really? I couldn't have guessed!" Righty said lathering on the sarcasm. I internally smiled anyone who uses sarcasm is good in my books. "What we want to know is what's your name?Where are you from? Blood status? How long have you been here? What gives you the right to take her bed? And what previous Wizarding school have you attended?" 

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