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Sorry about the wait, I tend to get distracted...

Just gonna let you know 'random words' is signed and "random words" is spoken and Random words is written


Ven's P.O.V.

Waking up the next morning the room was pitch black, because of the lack of windows in the Slytherin dorms. Sighing I wriggled out of my sleeping bag and slowly felt my way to the door. Climbing out of the room, I hurried over to my dorm.

"Alohamora" I whispered and the door made the soft clanking sound of being unlocked. Pushing open the door I walked in and found my things. I got ready for the day before retreating back to the common room. Entering the room, I saw Tom sitting in a chair writing in his journal. Ignoring him I wandered to the couch and pulled out a note book. Doodling absentmindedly, I felt someone sit in the cushions beside me. Turning my head I saw Ora. 

'HI' I signed

'You know I'm mute not deaf, I can understand you talking.' She signed back

'Ya but this is cooler, I feel like I'm talking in a code' 

'Sure' She rolled her eyes 'so what are you doing?' Ora gestured to the notebook in my hands. I quickly closed it and put it in my back pack.

"Nothing" I said outloud, needing my hands to put the book away. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tom's head pop up, he had a surprised expression but as soon as it came it went and he was looking at his journal again.

'Oh come on I know it's SOMETHING, why else would you hide it?!' Ora signed furiously a grin spread across her face. 

'I'm not hiding it, I simply found it rude to be doodling while you were talking' 

'Oh really then show me'








'THANK YOU!' She signed quickly before lunging over me for my bag.

"Crap, she didn't fall for it" I muttered under my breath while I reached for the bag, but when Ora had jumped over me her body had successfully pinned my arms bag.

"Bad ORA DROP THE BOOK!" I shouted wiggling furiously under her body, before finally getting her off of me. She rolled to the ground, book tight in her clutches. She jumped up with the book and took off to the stairs leading to the boy's rooms, closely followed by me. At the bottom of the stairs she ran into Ana, Ora pushed the book into Ana's arms before turning Ana around and pushing her up the stairs. Ana obliged and ran back upstairs. I quickly followed after her, but Ora grabbed my arm. I was pulling her after me when a bewilder Ally came down the stairs, pointing in the direction Ana just ran off too, but when she saw me  a wide spread across her face and she pushed Ora off me. 

"GO VEN GO! She went to Rom's room!" She shouted pushing Ora away from me. I shouted a thanks as I took off to Rom's room. Within were four confused boys, I looked at Rom who tentivaly pointed to the corner. Nodding I slowly walked to the corner.

"Were or were good Ana be. Could it be in the corner?" I asked slowly walking to the corner. Reaching the corner I pounced, grabbing my book out of Ana's hands and sprinting down the stairs again. Once in the common room I picked up my back and through the note book into it. "No one touches the note book" I glared at Ora, who gave me a mischievous grin.

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