chapter 7- Nightquil tastes nasty (bleh stupid allergies making me drink it...)

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Yep I know another week wait, but it’s because I had a random vacation sprout up, I'm going to write as much as I can but my schedule is fairly random currently. I have random TKD (Tai Kwan Do) Sessions, which afterwards I will tend to hang out with my friends in it, I also have XC (Cross Country) in the mornings but that doesn't really mean much. Anyway I have had a lot of time to think about what I'm going to write about during the times I have been too lazy to get my laptop or it wasn't charged or something else preventing me from writing (Sadly most of this time I sorted out my other book, The Enlightened Truth that has basically been a whole butt load of fluff recently but will finally start the story again soon) and I think I may have some idea's to write in this story so yay! OMG I JUST REMEMBERD WHAT I WAS GOING TO WRITE (sorry I was writing this authors note to jog my memory and it worked!)


Ven's P.O.V.

Dragging Ora back to the main hall I was astonished by all of the kids in the room. I knew there were more students than the few I saw over winter break, but never was I expecting this mass amount of people. Everyone was talking to their friends running around the room and stuffing their faces full of food. Ora and I sat down with Ally and Ana. 


"Here" I said plunking some eggs onto my plate. 

"B-but we left after you!" Ana said

"And?" I started eating. I felt Ana and Ally staring at me, as if trying to pull the information out of my brain. I smirked slightly but didn't look up from my plate until I felt someone behind me. I turned around quickly to face Slughorn. He was a fairly young man, just younger than Dumbledore. I would guess he has been teaching for a few years but not too many yet. "Hello Professor" I said swallowing my eggs.

"Hello Ms. Lialius here is your schedule, do remember your tutoring lessons after class with Mr. Riddle. He is a sharp young man indeed. He has great things destined for himself, I can't wait to rub it in all those people fa- I mean he is extremely smart and will get you caught up right away." Slughorn handed me the schedule.

"Thank you Sir" I said taking the schedule from his hands and turning back to the table. Grr... tutoring with that... that... URG! If I don't kill him...I heard snickering from across the table looking up I saw Rom shaking his head at me. I gave him a signature. The smirk still on his face he lifted his hands in the air. "You better surrender" 

"You know if you don't kill him during those... well I will be surprised if you don't kill him" Rom said. I ignored him and looked at my schedule. Feeling someone tap my arm I looked to my left to see Ora.

'you have the standard Slytherin schedule. All your classes are with us, except for..." She stopped and grabbed my schedule to study it 'Except for Arithmancy, I didn't take that class. We have Ancient Runes and Care for Magical Creatures together' I looked at my schedule and saw all the classes I was tutored in. 

"Cool we should head to class then." The two of us got up, quickly followed by Ally and Ana.

'What was up with you hanging out with a Gryffindor!' Ora signed knowing that Ally and Ana can't understand.

'She was the only one who would talk to me when I first got here, after I almost beat her up. We have a secret friendship going almost, except she is really bad at the secret part apparently.'

'Well you should separate yourself from her unless you want all of Slytherin to hate you' 

'Ora, you realize that Slytherin already hates me. Most if not all know I'm a muggle-born due to Tom and Marcy, also I argue daily with Slytherins "Perfect" boy/bully, Tom' I signed back.

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