Our promise

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*Bill's POV*

I stood on the roof and looked down at all the people who had gathered. The wind was cold and blew through my hair. My tears disguising themselves within the rain.

The sound of police and ambulance sirens echoed inside my head. I was breathing heavily. Of course I don't want to die, but I don't want to live like this either.

I thought I would be more emotional but I wasn't I felt empty. Like I had no reason to be sad but no reason to be happy either, sigh that was the thing I had no reason to stay.

*Tom's POV*

I ran out of the car and started running towards people who was watching.

Gustav and Georg followed me.

I pushed my way through the crowd.

I looked up at the roof of the parking lot where Bill was.

When I saw him, I just wanted to hold him tight and tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him. And the thought of maybe never being able to tell him that made me feel completely destroyed.

I didn't know what to do, but something had to be done.

I looked away towards an old spiral staircase that led up to rooftop.

I looked towards the police, and when they looked the other way, I took my chance. I decided to run with everything I had towards the stairs. I ran trough the caution tape that the police hade put up to block the place up. I threw open the door to the stairs and started running up it. Gustav and Georg hadn't even noticed that I was gone until they heard the police shouting

-STOP!! You can't go up there!

When Gustav and Georg saw me they tried to run towards me but the police stopped me.

I was waiting for them but when they got stopped I continued to run up the old staircase even after the warning.

I was running as fast as my legs could take me but it still felt like forever.
I stopped about halfway up the stairs to catch my breath. My heart was pounding. I took three deep breaths, then I started to run up the last steps. I felt so far away, i felt like it would take forever to get to him.

So when I finally arrived at the door to the roof I just slammed open the door, the door flew into the wall creating a loud bang.

*Bill's POV*

I turned around quickly and then I saw Tom he was breathing heavily and his legs were shaking. Tom looked into my eyes and started to run towards me but before he could get close to me I screamed


Tom stopped and looked at me with horror in his eyes. He took a few steps back.

-Okay I'll back up, but please don't jump.

He said with panic in his voice.

The look Tom gave me made me feel bad. He looked terrified. I couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was the rain that made it look like tears.

He was still breathing heavily but he wasn't shaking anymore.

- Bill, I'm sorry i never meant to hurt you. I'm really sorry for what I did, and said. I didn't mean it, not a single word. Please can you just come down it does not have to go this way.

He said as he tried to walk closer to me.

-Remember what I said!!

I said as I took one small step back, I was almost at the edge.

- WAIT!! I'm sorry! Please just wait you can't leave me like this. Remember the promise we made to each other when we where six years old?

He said.

I didn't say anything i just look at him. Of course I remember but I didn't want to. I just wanted to forget all about that promise. It was stupid anyways.

- We promised that we would never leave each other behind.

Tom said with fear.

My eyes windened as i heard those words. I already knew that he was going to say but, we were so young to young to even be making such a promise and mean it. I took a breathe and smiled at him.

-I promise you, the next life I will keep that promise.

I said

-What do you mean?

Tom asked me with a shaky tone and with tears in his eyes.

- I love you Tom, more then you can imagine. You mean everything to me. And you have been suffering because of me.

I said

-What do you mean by suffering!!!

He answered me with the same shaky tone.

-You were right all along, I'm selfish I don't care about others. I have not cared about what you have been feeling I have only talked about my problems not once have I asked you how you where doing. It is no wonder that you have been feeling angry. You had no one to talk to, no one how was there to listen to you and I just made your problem bigger. Didn't I?

I said as I turned away from him and looked out at the beaming lights of the city. My head was aching as all the good memories with Tom came rolling back, causing tears to well up. I looked down, and the tears starded rolling down my face.
It's almost impossible to explain the feeling, of standing there so high up and looking down at all the people just waiting for you to jump. I felt empty, like something was missing. Like something was missing in me.

Tom's POV

-What are you taking about!

I asked him with confusion. Bill was right, I hade no one to talk to but in what world was that his fault? And i have been taking my feelings out with rage. Me and Bill was always bulid when we were younger and our mom told us to never let them see us cry and to always stick together because we were stronger that way.

I learned two things that day, one I would have to protect Bill with my life and keep him out of any danger I could.
And two never let anyone see that they got to me. I let them talk shit about me how much they wanted to but I was not going to give them the pleasure of seeing me suffer.

But all the trouble i have cost because of that lesson. The things i have said to Bill just because i didn't want him to see me weak it's pathetic.

-The light will not guide you through Bill... It's deceiving you.

I said to him in a weak tone.

My heart was betting like crazy and tears were running down my face.

-I'm sorry! Please forgive me I never wanted this to happen. You mean so much to me I don't know why I said all does things but please understand it wasn't true. You are the most loving and caring person i have ever meant. I don't regret a second of the time we spent together. I love you Bill you make me feel like a person.

I said with tears streaming down my face.

Bill turned his whole body towards me and smiled at me with tears in his eyes.

- I never meant to break our promise Tom. Maybe in another life we can make it all right together. We will experience every good moment we have had, together again.

Bill said as he lead backwards and jump.

I screamed as loud as i could


I ran towards Bill trying to catch him, but I it was to late.

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