Chapter 9

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"GET YOUR ASS UP" A guy who worked here yelled as he pounded on my door for the 3rd time. I just moaned and slowly stumbled out of bed. My head was pounding and the world was spinning. Every single cell in my body felt as if it was being pulled apart. I coughed up a bit more blood and walked out the door to meet Sam and Dean's gaze.
"How'd you sleep?" They asked me.I tried rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes,
"I didn't"
"Are you kidding me?" Dean said his eyes wide with concern.
"No I'm not kidding you, does it look like I am?" I said as I gave him a look.
He shrugged, "kind of"
"Well I'm not kidding you, I'm being completely honest" I stated as I rolled my eyes and walked towards the lobby thing. We all stood in line and took a cup of medications. I scooped mine up and walked away, throwing it into the trash in a couple seconds. Sam and Dean did the same as they cautiously followed me to the table.
"We need to get ready to kill this thing, whatever it is" I said as I squeezed my head.
"No really?" Dean said a bit annoyed.I have him a glare and continued to talk,
"My guess is that it's a shapeshifter of some sort. If it can look like a human, but take place as a monster. So it's either a shifter or a-" Martin cut me off as we sat down next to me,
"Wraith. It's a Wraith"
"What's a wraith?" I asked cautiously.
"It's a type of creature, almost like a shifter, but it's not. Come with me" Martin replied to me as we all stood up and trailed behind him, heading to his room. We stepped inside of his room and flipped open a journal. He opened it to a hideous monster called a 'Wraith'.
"I've heard about them, but I never thought that I would be killing one. They get killed by silver, just like shifters. It burns their skin, but they are really tough to kill. The only way to know which one is which is by looking in a mirror at their reflection. If their face appears like my drawing, it's a wraith" I nodded in agreement.
Taking everything in that I could.
"Well, boys, I suggest we go hunting for silver" I said playfully tugging Sammy along.
"I'll just stay here then, I guess" Dean replied. Sammy reluctantly followed me and we slithered around the nurse quarters. As in desks and such. We went into the place where they kept the dead bodies and despretly searched the cabinets.
"Bingo" I said as I pulled out two silver knives.
"We need two more. And if I'm correct there should be two more in the cabinets over in the other dead body container" I stated as he followed me to the other side of the hospital. We searched through the cabinets yet again, and found two more silver knives. I squealed at our findings and we walked around the hospital looking for the guys. Sadly, we didn't find them for quite a while... Where were they?
-A couple hours later-
Sam and I turn the corner and found what we've been looking for, Dean and Martin. We raced over to them and quickly handed out our findings.
"Silver knives, we ransacked through just about every nurses station to find these. So make sure to keep them with you at all times." I quickly stated as we handed out our last knife. I shuffled to Dean's side and wrapped my arm in his. It felt quite comforting to be honest, it feels like I haven't had interaction in a while. I mean of course I have, but it just felt like I haven't... weird. I opened my mouth to begin to speak, but I was inturupted by the spinning. It felt never ending. The world spinning before my eyes, except no one else felt it. But before I could even hold my head, I fell to the ground in excruciating pain. My vision began to slowly leave. And before I knew it, the word had turned completely black.
"I need you to wake up Kay" A voice called that seemingly sounded to be in front of me. I yanked my eyelids open and yanked my body up from the hard surface. I tried to stand up, but my eyes were still out of focus completely and I ended up stumbling back down to the floor.
"Please don't try to get up. You'll just continously fall. Let me tell you a little about this" A man in a black suit stated. He was fairly good looking; glasses, nice suit, smoothed dark brown hair, grayish eyes. As soon as my vision came back into focus I took a look at what I was wearing. A very expensive looking black strapless dress, some nice heels as well. I moved my gaze back to the handsome man standing in front of me.
"Yes, please explain how I magically appeared in a fantasy" I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to speak.
"Well, I am an angel of the Lord. You and your friends, ahem, the Winchesters, are all in great danger. In deed what you are hunting is a wraith. But they can take the form of any human being-" I cut him off,
"Yeah, yeah I know. Cut to the chase. I'd like to wake up. So please, just finish up"
A shocked expression stretched onto his shockingly handsome face, but none the less he continued,
"Well, it's a very dangerous type of monster. I need you to look out for Sam. He seems to be the... how shall I phrase this? Uhm, prey" He stated with an unexplainable expression on his face. I couldn't even bare to move. What did he mean by Sam being the prey? Sam was quite strong, he could take care of himself. Or was this bigger than Sam?
"What do you mean?" I asked as I stood up and advanced toward him. He held up his hand to stop me from getting any closer. But I continued until I was face to face with him.
"What do you mean!" I demanded.
"Your time is up, Kay" and in the blink of an eye the world seemed to go into an infinite abyss of black yet again. I yanked my body out of the rock hard bed I was laying in. Doctors were huddled around me shining bright lights into my eyes. I shoved them out of my face and started to walk to my room to meet up with the guys.
"God Kay! What happened to you back there?!" Dean said pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, but stayed quiet.

Was Sam really in trouble?

Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to upload! I'll try to stay on top of it this time! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!

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