The Final Chapter.

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WARNING: Murder is illegal, therefor don't kill me for the feels. Thanks.

Ignore the music, watch the video.

Third Person POV

Kay thought no one could get the best of her. She had held up her world by herself, protecting herself and everyone she had ever loved. Sometimes she failed, sometimes she succeeded. But now? Now was different. She was weak, out of breath, her feet threatening to fall from under her. She had fallen in and out of consciousness a great amount of times, yet each time she was awake, she thought of another plan. Usually, her plans wouldn't fail her, and the last thing she wanted was to go down like this. Looking weak, pale, and sick. Especially to a demon. Not any demon. The demon she chased a great portion of her life. The Winchester's filled her in on their life story, yet she focused on one major part; Yellow Eyes. Her heart throbbed for them, losing everyone they have ever loved to this demon. More and more people being added on to Yellow Eye's hit list, more and more people being murdered by him. His list just kept growing. Just like Kay's need for the end.

Kay's POV

I had woken for what felt like the hundredth time today, but not dangling from the ceiling. I had been moved to the floor, lying their hopelessly. If only I could have the strength to stand up, slaughter the demons, and make my way out. If only my legs hadn't ceased to move. If only. The torture simply would not stop. No matter how much I pleaded or weeped, they continued. Slashing deep gashes into my body, dragging wolfsbane effortlessly across my face, doing anything they possibly could to make sure I suffered. The worst part of it was that not only was it endless, but I believed the Winchester's had stopped. Stopped looking for me, stopped caring, just stopped. I had thought it over the past month that I had been captured, and the more I did, the more I believed. Normally, there would still be that little bit of hope, just enough to spark inside of you and keep you moving, but not in me. Everything I had ever believed in had shut down. Everything.

There comes a time in life when you need to forget. Forget about your cares and just be free. I just so happened to be past that part. I forgot. Nearly everything. Three things stood out in the few memories I had; Sam, Dean, and Bobby. We spent so much time together, whether it was just messing around or for a case. I had grown to trust them, through everything that happened. It's hard to realize that someone you had cared so much about, doesn't care about you. If they had cared, they would have come the first month. Especially when they're someone like Bobby. Bobby loved me with all his heart, and I knew that. At least, I thought I knew.

The people I had cared about the most left me here, stranded and scourged.

The doors opened and closed, but I didn't bother to look. I knew if they hadn't come earlier, they wouldn't come now. There was simply no use. No use in going on, trying, no use in anything.

I could feel myself drifting once again, but this time was different. It wasn't just as if I was falling asleep. This time, it felt permanet. As much as I wanted to smile, I knew I couldn't. I was ecstatic that it was all over, but a part of me felt horrid. I wasn't rescued. I was tortured. I didn't succeed. The only word left on my mind was Family. My makeshift family. Sam, Dean, and Bobby. For the first time in a while, I smiled. The light slowly slipped from my reach and all became quiet.

I was at rest.

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