Chapter 23

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Cursed. That's what I was. Cursed. No matter how many times I tried convincing myself I wasn't, I always knew I was. It's not just small things either. Sure, part of it might be because I hunt monsters for a living, but that isn't all of it. My mom died, my dad kicked me out, I hunt monsters. Everything about my life has 'Screwed Up' written all over it. Like that time I was hunting a demon, turns out he was after my family. My dad had more kids with my step mom, but never bothered to bring me up. As much as I hated them, I knew I couldn't let them be killed. Well, the demon badly injured my step brother. My dad didn't even realize it was me, he asked for my name. I lied to him and told him a fake name, if I had told him my real name, he'd probably kick me out like he had before. Everytime I try to do something right, someone dies. I know I can't save everyone, but I can try to save as many as I can. Just sometimes, it's not enough.

"Kay? Hey, Kay. We're back." Sam lightly shook my shoulder. I had been staring out the window, thinking, for what seemed like forever. Still lost I'm thought, I nodded my head and made my way to Bobby's door. I let myself in, but to see someone I never thought I would anymore.

A tall man stood in front of Bobby, his head in his hands, a scruffy beard. He looked as if he hadn't slept. Probably sad for days. I froze, completely stopping in my tracks. Bobby looked at me, a face of fright plastered. He knew I never wanted to see him again, and he knew I'd do something about it. Anger filled my emotions, I squeezed my fists together. My knuckles began to turn white from how hard I clenched them. The man had noticed Bobby look over at me, and he turned to me.
"Wait.. Bailey right? You saved my family, remember?!" He smiled, although he still looked sickly.
"Mhm." I glanced at Dean, who was eyeing him.
"Listen, Um. That's not her real name.." Bobby trailed off. I glared daggers at Bobby, he glanced at me and gave me a small smile. My blood boiled, I became hot, my cheeks turned red from being so hot. My fists were still clenched, anger written all over me.
"What? She told me it was Bailey.."
"Well, it's not. Remember Jenny?" Bobby kept his gaze held firmly on my father. Well, ex-father. I no longer have a father. I have a father figure, Bobby.
"Bobby, I told you not to brin-" Bobby cut him off,
"Shut your yap! This is your kid, Kay."
"Kay? What..? I never had a kid named Kay.." He looked puzzled. Wow. That's all I could think. He abused me and he couldn't remember? Shocker. I sure knew I couldn't forget it.
"Yes you did, and that's her. Kay. You abused her, how could you not remember?" He still looked puzzled. That's when a light bulb went off. He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off,
"Took you long enough. You honestly couldn't remember kicking me out in the rain? Calling me a mistake? Slapping me and shoving me down stairs? Damn, maybe you're the one with amnesia." I crossed my arms, my fists still white, still being clenched.
"Kay, I've changed. I'm no longer that asshole, I've got kids now. In fact, I've got you! Kay, you have a brother!"
"No I don't. You're not my dad. And you never will be. Changed? I doubt that, how could a man who screwed his wife daily change into some gentleman? Or wait, maybe your side chick got you thinking straight so your wife doesn't expect anything?"
"I told you I've changed, I no longer have those ways. I'm loyal, I don't cheat. And I sure as hell don't abuse."
"Getting a little mad there aren't yah buddy? What, just itching to shove another kid down the stairs?" I rose my voice.
"How the hell did you learn that shit anyways? How long has it been going on? How come I wasn't told?" He rose his voice too.
"Well, let's see. How long ago was it that you shoved me out of the house? It's been going on ever since. And you really expected to be told? Well, aren't you just the king. Newsflash, you aren't. People learn to forget about assholes like you." I rose my voice higher, Dean placing a hand on my shoulder lightly. Telling me to back off a little. I shook his hand off my shoulder.
"I'm not an asshole! I'm your father! I made a mistake." He backed down a little bit.
"I'm aware, as I remember you clearly saying 'You're a mistake'" that's it, I pissed him off. He now clenched his fists, looking as if he was about to punch me. I stood my ground, I'd grown up from the little girl I used to be.
"You know, you really have grown up. Standing up to me like your some grown up. You're not, I'm the grown up here. And you're listening to me. So you're going to get your ass in the car, forget about all of this, and meet your family."
"I'm not one to forgive and forget." That's it, he struck his hand out at me. His hand slammed against my cheek. I brought my hand up to my cheek by instinct. He didn't regret it, he knew that was exactly what he needed. In one swift motion, he grabbed my hair and yanked me out of the house, dragging me to his car. He threw me in the passenger seat and got in quickly, locking the doors. I yanked at the handle, trying to get out, but he kept locking it. Sam, Dean, and Bobby all rushed out after me. But my dad was faster, he had already pulled out of the driveway. I pounded on the glass, still trying to get out. Finally, I gave up. I leaned back in the seat, anger still painted on my face. He turned on the radio, trying to make it better. And that's just what I needed. Slowly and quietly I reached for the lock. I unlocked mine, not anyone else's. I slowly placed my hand on the handle, bracing myself for pain. He was going fast, so I knew I had to be careful. After he passed the tree in my way I slammed open the car door and jumped out. I rolled onto the grass, got up, and started running.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, my arm hurt from landing on it, but pain was the least of my problems right now. I breathed heavily as I ran, dodging obsticals in my way. Wait, he couldn't drive with a flat tire. While running, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my pistol. I stopped in front of a house and turned around quickly. I aimed at my target, and shot. It pierced the tire, I did the same with the other tire. Soon enough he couldn't drive. I stuck my pistol back in my coat pocket after putting the safety on, then began running back towards Bobby's house. By now, I was running faster then ever.

I arrived at Bobby's, my dad chasing me, not very fast might I add. I ran inside and locked all the doors. They all looked at me, stunned.
"How the hell are you back?" Bobby asked.
"I tucked and rolled. Why didn't you help?" I crossed my arms at him and the boys.
"We were going to, Kay. We were, but we needed to figure something out." Sam gestured to the items laid out on the table. I nodded, but before I could stop, the glass behind me was broken, a bullet piercing my left thigh. I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. Pain spread throughout my body as Dean rushed over to me. He picked me up, but before he could make it to the basement stairs, a bullet pierced his shoulder. He dropped me and fell to the ground. Sam and Bobby ran outside to defend everyone, while Dean and I were left on the floor. I pulled myself with my hands over to Dean, tears filled my eyes. I looked at him,
"Dean, you're going to be fine. Just- please. Don't close your eyes." I stripped off my shirt, leaving me in a tank top. I wrapped it around his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso.
"I'm going to be fine, it's you I worry about princess." He tried his hardest to smile.

My dad had ruined my life once again. All over again. My voice was caught in my throat, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

   I felt helpless, all over again.


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