Chapter 10

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My head spun with all of the questions pushing at the core of my mind. My heart ached, like a piece of it was missing. What would I do if Sammy wasn't there? I could never let that happen. I hugged Dean tighter and he did the same. But Sammy, he was looking at me cautiously, like he knew something was off. Sure enough something was. I finally let go of Dean,
"Kay, what happened. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a bit... tired is all" I shook my head. I was fine. That's it. End of story. And I was going to help save Sam Winchester, and no one was going to get in my way.

After a couple minutes we decided that we would head to our rooms to sketch out a plan... or something like that. We all trailed back to Martin's room and decided that we would all keep a look out for the wraith. I chose the position in the hallways, by any mirror I wanted, but dodging the nurses and doctors that lurked the hallways. We all quickly got into our positions. I ran to the nearest mirror and didn't take my eyes off of it. But before I could even stand still, I heard thumping in the vents. I searched for any sign on an open source, anywhere. Sammy. Where is Sammy? The common room! I didn't think, I just ran. Ran to the common room in desperate search for Sammy. And sure enough, I found him. Swirling in circles, throwing fists at the simple dust laying in the air. He looked as if he had truly gone insane. Had he? I hope to God he had not gone completely insane. Nurses rushed over to him and pulled him back, but they couldn't survive without getting a blow. One got punched and knocked out as the others might have just been kicked or punched not as hard. They finally got him abndnf dragged him towards a safer facility. I followed eagerly trying to make sure he was going to be even the slightest bit of okay. I kind of think the angel was right. About Sammy being in trouble, about everything. But what is Sam got in serious trouble, like a life or death situation? Would I be there to help him? I sure as hell hope so.

I finally finished my quest of following them and tried desperately to get in. It was a failed attempt do to the fact that the nurses were flooding the doorway. As soon as I saw Sam catch my eye, I quickly gave him a thumbs up sign and ran down the hallway to find Dean. I turned down the hallway and bumped into Dean.
"Dean!!" I yelped as I fell to the ground with him on top of me. I squirmed around desperately trying to get him off of me, sadly I wasn't strong enough. But soon enough, he stood up and allowed me to get up onto my feet.
"What the hell was that for?! Are you alright?" Dean brushed his pants off.
"No, I'm pretty sure I sprained my wrist. BUT IT'S SAMMY!!" I practically yelled. People looked at me, completely clueless. I just motioned for them to get on with their non-existent lives. Because if they were in a mental hospital, it doesn't presume that they would have an actual good normal life. I know it doesn't sound right coming from a girl in one as well, but I was only in one for a couple days... soon to be a couple more days. Maybe even a few months, who knew? I felt as if I was truly going sane. If that was it, what about Sam and Dean? What if they pulling through better than me? What if they left me... and never thought of me again. I hoped it wouldn't be like that. If it had, I don't know what I would do with the rest of my life. I was always so used to hunting that if I wasn't hunting, I'd be thinking of it and doing research on types of Monsters.
"What about Sammy, Kay?" Dean really looked concerned now.
"He's in solitary confinement! What if the monster is heading there!!" I stated pacing in small lines in front of him.
"I'm pretty sure the monster has other crazy brains to eat, Kay" He said with a slight roll of his eyes.
"Right, you're right! I'm over thinking Sammy being in there. Now let's just kill this monster and walk our way to a motel or something." I replied as I stopped my pacing and looked at him. He stared at me with a stern, but thoughtful, look. I gripped onto my knife harder than I probably should have, my knuckles turning white as I did this.
"Yeah, you must be" He replied back. I went back to my mirror and looked at it continuously. But that slight urge stayed at the back of my head. I felt like I should be saving Sam, not just leaving him there in solitary confinement. But all my thoughts were inturupted when...

Sam's POV
These cuffs are unbearable, scratching at my wrists and ankles continuously. It was highly unpleasant especially. The whole thing was to be honest, I couldn't even move my head. And that was very stressful. If someone entered the room, I couldn't look to see who it was. If it was kay, or Dean, how would I know? Surely, they might say something to let me know, but what if it was the monster. But all of my thoughts about my brother and his probable girlfriend were inturupted as the first nurse we met stepped through the doorway, closing it tightly behind her.
"Sam was it?"

Kay's POV
I quickly ran down the hallway to retrieve Dean.
"Dean, I don't care what you say anymore. But I hear your brother yelling and it doesn't sound like the plesent yell. So I'm going in, are you coming with me?"
"If it's my brother we're talking about, hell yeah" He replied as we both ran down to the solitary room. We reached the room and banged on the door for someone to open it. When it didn't open we kicked it open and stood in the doorway. She said something that I didn't quite catch, but I heard Dean clearly.
"Well, I'm crazy. So let's take a shot" He ran, stumbling quite often, towards the nurse. He tried scratching her even the slightest bit with the silver, but she trapped him against the wall. The angel clearly said save Sam, but what about Dean? I couldn't think anymore about it so I raced over to Sam, still stumbling from the effect of craziness. I quickly unhooked his cuffs and let him sit up. I glanced over at Dean who has now stabbed the nurse with the silver knife. Her skin boiled and bubbled with the silver knife sustaining all movement. My focus slowly came back into view and I no longer stumbled. You could tell that Sam and Dean's focus came back as well. We all ran out to the car before anyone could notice we were gone. The siren sounded and we quickly got in the impala and drove away. I lied down across the back seat and questions swirled in my head. But all were silenced by the by the soothing sound of the impalas motor.
Before I knew it I was sound asleep, listening to the low classic music out of the radio, and the impalas quiet motor.

Sorry it wasn't such a cliffhanger at the end, and I updated really late again. But anyways,
P.S. Comment feedback! I love knowing what I can change!

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