Goodnight Robicheaux-No One Else

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This is Ethan's character in The Magnificent Seven, Goodnight Robicheaux.

Some minor swearing and mention of war trauma.


You've fallen for Goodnight but considering the rumors, you're unsure if you should act on those feelings.


"Howdy, Y/N!" Oh here we go again. You turn, plastering a smile on your face as the one and only Goodnight Robicheaux approaches you, smiling. He's been finding excuses to speak with you on several occasions and although you've grown fond of him, you're still a little uncertain about him.

You'd heard the rumors. Of how Goodnight fought in the war and it broke him inside. You didn't need rumors to know that the poor man had demons he was fighting on a daily basis. Every once in a while, you'd awaken, hearing him cry out in the night.

"Mr. Robicheaux. To what do I owe this honor of your presence?"

"Nothing. I was just out for a walk and thought perhaps you'd like to join me?"

You consider his offer, searching those achingly sad, steel blue eyes. There was just something in them that made you unsettled.

"Very well, Mr. Robicheaux. I shall accept your offer." Goodnight holds out his left arm and you accept it, heading on the dusty trail, which led out of town.

Neither of you speak for several minutes and you'd give anything to know what Goodnight was thinking. You glance up into his weathered face and he smiles.

"How have you been doing?" You ask, your voice soft, feeling a sudden tenderness towards him.

"Not..good. Been struggling with sleep these last few nights."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Goody." He chuckles at the sound of his nickname and you suddenly ache to protect him. From what? You couldn't say.

"You're a kind soul, Y/N," Goodnight murmurs. You stop walking, clutching at Goodnight's hands. His gaze watches you intently.

"Oh, Goody!"

"What is it?"

"I...know how fond you are of me."

"But you don't feel the same, do you?"

"I do." You hesitate. "I'm just...well, I have my reservations. But I know you're a good man."

"You treat me better than I deserve."

"Don't say that," you scold. "You deserve good things."

"Why are you saying these things?"

"Because I care about you, Goody." He nods, his expression blank as you continue on with your walk.

"I hope I didn't offend you."

"You could never, darling." You give Goodnight's arm a tender squeeze.

"I hope not," you say. "Because I think too much of you to wound you so."


You can't get Goodnight off your mind. He'd returned you to the town only minutes later. You remembered how much you ached to hold him. He'd thanked you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek and excused himself.

You remembered watching as he walked away, head down, shoulders slumped, looking like he'd lost his best and only friend. It broke your heart. You'd wanted to run after him, grabbing him and kissing him.

Instead, you just let him leave, hurt and discouraged. You cringe thinking about it. You decide the next time you see Goodnight, you'll profess your feelings to him.

Maybe then, he'd stop mopping around, wrapped in that horrendous grief he insisted on carrying with him.


"Goody!" You'd spotted him walking down the dusty street, looking just as dejected as he had only hours ago. He looks up and you don't miss the brief spark in his eyes.

"Something the matter?"

"No. I just wanted to do something." You grab Goodnight, tugging him close and tilting his head down, gently kissing him. He doesn't even resist.

"What was that, Y/N?"

"Because I love you."

First surprise, then pleasure flickers across Goodnight's face. He grins, holding you in his arms.

"Well. How....unexpected."

"Not really." You laugh, clutching the lapels of his outer coat in your hands. "You've both known it for a while. Just neither of us wanted to admit it."

Goodnight chuckles, leaning down for another kiss. You don't mind. You enjoy that.

"I'm pleased one of us finally caved."

"I just realized earlier how much you've been showing me."

"How's that, darling?"

"By being the true gentleman you are. By showing me respect and kindness. By not pushing me into anything I wasn't comfortable with."

Goodnight's eyes start to mist over. He quickly runs a hand over his face, sniffling. You touch his cheek and Goodnight smiles.

"Well you are pretty special."

"So are you, Mr. Robicheaux." He gently places his arm around your shoulder, guiding you off the street, heading for the shade of the buildings.

"Would you care to accompany me to dinner this evening?" You nod eagerly.

"I would be honored, Goody, to attend dinner with you."


Dinner is wonderful. Goodnight is wonderful. You're enjoying yourself immensely. You almost wish the evening didn't have to end.

"I'm still rather...baffled as to why someone as lovely as you would want to spend the evening in the company of an old war veteran."

"For goodness sake, Goodnight!" You exclaim. "There's far more to you than your service in the war."

"I reckon your right. I just...struggle keeping that separate from the rest of me. It's damn hard."

"I believe you. But let's not focus on that right now." Goodnight chuckles, covering my hand with his.

"You're amazing, Y/N," Goodnight murmurs. You smile, giving Goodnight's hand a tender squeeze.

"Thank you, Goody," you murmur. "You're pretty amazing yourself and I wouldn't want anyone else."

"Yes, darling. That's right. No one else for me."

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