The Grabber-Secrets

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This is Ethan's character in The Black Phone, another great movie of his that I like, despite the dark plot.


You'd known Albert Shaw, AKA, The Grabber for years, but you didn't know his dirty little secret. You get close to him and find out what he's been hiding all this time. (I've seen this name used in other Grabber fanfics and I guess the movie is based on a short story of the same name.)

Some frightening images.


You open the door to the local hardware store and step inside. The scent of fresh paint greets you as you walk in further. You're a little embarrassed as to the nature of your visit here.

Albert Shaw.

You'd developed a bit of a crush on him, although you weren't sure why. The guy was pretty odd and stand offish. You peer around, searching for him but don't see him. Darn.

You start walking through the store, in hopes you'll bump into Albert and possibly strike up a decent conversation with the guy.

Just as you reach the back, Albert appears, looking rumpled and sweaty. He turns, his steel blue eyes widen in surprise. Obviously he didn't expect to see anyone right here.

"Can I help you?" He sounds a little gruff but he doesn't look angry. More..distracted.

"Um.." You wrack your brain, trying to come up with something that doesn't sound totally lame. "Um, paint?"

Albert gestures for you to follow and you do, your pulse and heart rate picking up. Albert leads you to the paint section, asking what exactly type of paint you're looking for.

"Something to paint an old dresser," you reply, deciding that's what you'll do.

"Have you sanded it down first?" Albert is staring at you in a strange way. Like he wants you up. You swallow.

"Not..yet." You laugh nervously and Albert finally smiles. He looks halfway...handsome when he's smiling.

"You'll need sand paper." Albert nods, as though he's talking more to himself than you. He goes and retrieves some sand paper, handing it to you before you begin discussing what kind of paint you'll need.

Once you make your choice, Albert rings everything up and you pay for your items.

"You know," Albert says pleasantly. "I'd be more than happy to help you with your dresser this weekend."

"Oh, I couldn't possibly ask you..." Your voice trails off.

"You aren't asking me." That gruff tone returns, sending shivers down your spine.

"Ah, well. If..if you want to."

"It'd be no trouble at all." Albert grabs a pad of paper and a pencil. "If you'd just leave me your address, I'll be over Saturday afternoon."

You hesitate. You're not sure this is such a good idea. It's one thing to harbor a harmless crush and go see someone at their work. It's another to have that person come over to your house. Especially with that freak, The Grabber, loose.

"Are you interested in my help?" You look into Albert's eyes. There's something...unsettling there.

"Um. No. Maybe...maybe another time. 'Bye!" You grab your items, almost flying out of the hardware store, shaken up by your own stupidity.


Someone is knocking on the front door. You look at your watch. It's nearly eight o'clock at night. Who could possibly be pounding on your door now?

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