Goodnight Robicheaux-Unlikely Partners

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You're a bounty hunter who crosses paths with a difficult man. Luckily someone comes to your aid.

Some minor swearing and violence.


Damnit! As much as you know you can hold your own against these men, once in a while, they're almost too much for you! And this son of a bitch is definitely proving to be one of the harder ones to catch.

He taunts you, waving a pistol around, grinning like an idiot (which he probably is) and threatening to shoot you if you come any closer.

"Shut the hell up!" You snap. He only laughs, darting around the corner of a saloon. You groan, chasing after him.

"Give up!" He shouts, as you see him climbing up a ladder leaning against the stables. Oh hell no.

"I'm bringing your sorry ass in!" You yell, getting ready to climb up yourself. As you begin to climb, the man suddenly pushes the ladder over. You shriek, crashing to the ground.

The man laughs again, as he runs across the roof of the stables. You groan, rolling over and struggling to your feet, heading for the other side. As you round the corner, you crash into another body.

"Oh. I beg your pardon!" You look up into the handsome face of a man, who looks terribly apologetic.

"It's fine," you say. "I'm chasing someone!"

"I could assist!"

"No offense but you don't look as though you're much up to the challenge."

He grins. You feel something stirring within you. You just aren't quite sure what.

"Don't allow my outer appearance to fool you, darlin.' I'm quite resourceful."

"Goody, what are you doing?" A petite man, clearly of Oriental descent arrives, looks suspiciously calm.

"Offering my assistance to this here lovely person." You roll your eyes.

"Look, I appreciate your offer. But my bounty is escaping." You take off running as you spot the man dashing through a window in the hotel.

As you start to round the corner, you feel a hand on your arm. You whip around, gun pointed at the perpetrator.

It's the Oriental gentleman. He gestures for you to lean in closer. You shake your head in agitation. You don't have time for his games.

"Let me help you."

"Why do you want to?" You're mystified as to why these two strangers are so eager to assist you.

"Goody is smitten." The man smirks ever so slightly. You still don't understand. But you don't have time to argue.

"The man I'm after just slipped through an open window, up there." You point and the Oriental man nods, turning to climb up on the ladder. The other man, Goody, appears by your side.

"Billy will chase him out and you can capture him, all right?"

"If you insist." Goody smiles and you see how beautiful he is. You can't miss the steel blue eyes. You also notice the sadness lurking beneath them and you feel a softening towards him.

Goody gently takes your arm, guiding you around back, where his friend, Billy, will chase the other man out.(Or so he thinks.)

Although you have your doubts within a few minutes, the man you've been tracking comes streaking around the corner, Billy just behind, holding something in his hands.

"Get that crazy China man away from me!" The man you've been tracking, yelps. You roll your eyes. Oh the irony.

"Hold it!" You order, grabbing the man's arm. He looks downright terrified. "You're under arrest."

"I'll come! Just get that one away from me!"

"Come along." You head for the sheriff's office, eager to collect your reward and perhaps you'll treat Goody and Billy to some drinks.


"You're one hell of a bounty hunter, Y/N." You're enjoying a nice meal with your two new friends, Goodnight Robicheaux and Billy Rocks.

"Of course I am," you retort. Goody chuckles, tossing back his glass of whiskey.

"I appreciate your assistance, though, gentleman. And because of that, I'll share the profits."

You hand them some of the cash and they both thank you.

"Tell me, Billy," you say. "How'd you scare that guy so badly?"

"I'm an expert with knives."

"Do tell." You lit a cigarette and take a long drag before passing it off to Goody, who takes a long drag himself.

"I could demonstrate, if you're curious," Billy offers. You mull it over.

"What the hell?" You agree. "You've piqued my interest."

"As soon as we're done," Goodnight says. "Billy would happily demonstrate."

"I look forward to it."


You're in awe. Billy is a mastermind with those knives. He's so damn precise. It's incredible.

"Damn," you say. "You've certainly impressed me, Mr. Rocks."

Billy allows himself a smile. He knows how good he is.

"He's been an asset to me, that's for sure," Goodnight says. You turn, touching Goodnight's cheek, as his gaze softens.

"And what about me, Mr. Robicheaux? Could I be an asset to you as well?"

Goody takes your hand in his, raising it to his lips. You smile, cupping his cheek in your palm.

"Definitely, Y/N."

"Kiss me?" Goody complies. It's an incredible feeling.

"Are you two planning on doing that often?" You look at Billy.


"In that case, I'll need more alcohol." Both you and Goody laugh, clinging to each other's hands as you follow Billy back to the saloon.

What a day it's been! But you're not complaining.

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