Ethan Hawke-Coffee Date

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You're working on a movie with Ethan and get close to him. He ends up asking you out for coffee.

Some minor swearing.


You honestly can't believe how things have been working out for you these past few months. You'd come to Los Angeles and started going to auditions for movies.

You weren't sure if there was higher power or if the stars had simply aligned for you but you ended up hired on a new film coming out. And the star was one of your favorite actors.

Ethan Hawke.

You'd had a crush on him for years. He was so damn handsome! It was surreal to be acting alongside him in a movie! Especially since you'd gotten to know Ethan so well. You were super close now.

You smile as you gaze adoringly at Ethan, who's seated next to you, reading something on his phone, his handsome face relaxed and smiling.

He suddenly turns to you and your heart flutters in your chest. Damn. What this man can do to you! It's unreal.

"So, Y/N, I was thinking maybe we could go out for coffee?" Ethan looks a little..shy. Which isn't like him. He's always so confident.

"I mean, if you'd like to?"

"Yes!" The word shoots out of your mouth, no hesitation whatsoever.

Ethan grins, his shyness gone now. He reaches over to gently touch your hand. You grin at him.

"When?" You ask.

"How about this weekend?"

"Sounds perfect." You give Ethan's fingers a little squeeze. Although you're trying to remain calm on the outside, on the inside, you're screaming at the top of your lungs.


As you're standing in front of the entrance to the coffee shop, your nerves have gotten the best of you.

Heart pounding, sweaty palms, every nerve in your body tingling with trepidation, your mouth drier than the Sahara Desert. You crane your neck, looking at the rush of people coming your way. You don't see Ethan.

You debate if you should enter the coffee shop alone or continue to stand here, looking suspicious to those who pass by.

Just as you decide to go inside, you spot Ethan walking up, grinning. You feel yourself melting. He looks incredible.

"Hey. I hope you haven't been waiting long?"

"No," you reply.

"Great." Ethan moves to open the door for you. You thank him, stepping inside and wait for him to join you in the line.

Once you reach the front counter, you both order coffee and a bagel. You collect the food and drinks, while Ethan goes to pay. Once he's finished, you weave your way to the back of the shop, where it's less crowded.

You set everything down, taking a seat, as your fingers brush against Ethan's, sending a little thrill through your body.

"I'm really happy you agreed to come with me," Ethan murmurs, taking his coffee cup and sipping the hot liquid.

"Er, well..." you stammer. "I've kinda had a crush on you for years."

Ethan chuckles and you feel your face growing warm. You notice that Ethan's face looks a little pink.

"Well." Ethan licks his lips. "I've had a bit of a crush on you since we started working together."

What? You can't possibly be hearing that right!


Ethan nods, moving to take one of your hands and your heart jumps. Wow. Just wow.

"Yeah. You're pretty amazing, Y/N."

"Aww thanks, Ethan." He smiles, still holding your hand.

"I, uh, wanna kiss you. But not here."

"We'll go somewhere more private afterwards," you say and Ethan eagerly nods.

"Sounds like a plan."


After you finish your coffee and bagels, Ethan takes you to his place (already?) and as soon as you're alone, he gently kisses you, sending you into orbit.

You caress Ethan's stubbled cheek and facial hair. He gazes tenderly into your eyes, holding you by the waist.

"I'd love to get to know you better, Y/N," Ethan says softly. You nod. You'd definitely like that!

"Absolutely," you murmur, leaning in for a quick kiss. Ethan smiles.

"You're one of a kind."

"Thanks. So are you."

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