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This is Ethan's character in Valerian and the city of thousand planets, Jolly the pimp.


You've had a crush on Jolly for a long time and finally let him know how you feel even though he can be well a little, crazy. You're not sure how he'll respond.


"Yo, Y/N!" Oh. My. God. There's...Jolly. You immediately feel your face heating up as soon as Jolly calls out to you.

He's crazy. Absolutely bonkers. But you've had this enormous crush on him forever. Sure, he's a well, pimp. But he's also got a heart of gold and he can be so sweet at times.

"Jolly, hi." He's grinning, his beautiful smile firmly in place. You ache to press your lips to his, curious as to what sensation would course through you as that happened? Would you ever find out?

"Wanna come back with me?" Jolly looks somewhat...reserved? You're a little taken aback at first. The one thing Jolly isn't: reserved or shy.

"Uh, sure."

"Fantastic!" He grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together. Your heart begins to pound. Is Jolly actually holding your hand? You try not to read too much into it.

The hanging beads which cover the entrance to Jolly's personal room, graze your bare shoulders and you shiver. Jolly turns, casting a concerned look.

"Everything all right, Y/N?"

"Of course!" You paste a cheery smile on your face, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. Jolly grins again. You notice his beautiful steel blue eyes and your heart skips a beat.

"Ah. Lovely." Jolly leads you over to the fancy organ, letting go of your hand and making a show of sitting down. You laugh. Jolly winks at you and you nearly pass out.

"I was concerned you weren't...pleased" Suddenly Jolly looks so vulnerable and it catches you off guard.

"Jolly, I couldn't ever be unhappy with you." He immediately looks down. You reach out, touching his arm. He looks up, that usual impish grin back in place.

"Fabulous! Now! What's your pleasure?"

"Whatever you want, Jolly." You lean in closer, your boldness growing. Jolly's gaze locks on yours. You don't miss the desire lurking there.

"Do tell." Jolly stands abruptly, swiftly sliding closer to you, leaning in and...pressing his lips to yours.

Ahhh! What is happening?? Is Jolly actually kissing you???

"What if that's what I wanted?" You chuckle, throwing your arms around Jolly's neck, drawing him closer. He smirks, but kisses your cheek.

"There'd be no complaint from me," you murmur, your lips grazing his cheek.

"I have a bit of a confession to make." Jolly's arms are around you, too. You snuggle against him.

"Me too," you murmur. You move, staring into Jolly's eyes. There's no teasing in them now.

"You first," you both say at the same time. You both laugh.

"I'll go first," you murmur, touching Jolly's cheek. "I've had a huge crush on you forever."

"Really?" Jolly feigns horror. "I'm only in love with you!"

It doesn't register at first. You stare, open mouthed at Jolly, unable to decide if he's playing with you.

"You' love" Jolly's expression softens as he caresses your cheek.

"Yeah. Should I have said it differently?"

"No way!" You grab his face, kissing him for all it's worth. Jolly holds you tightly, backing you up against the wall.

"You're crazy," you say, bursting into laughter, clinging to his hands. Jolly chuckles, a faint red rash creeping up his neck.

"Yeah...." He kisses you again. Gosh, you love that feeling. "Crazy for you!"

"Same, Jolly. Same."

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