Fallen will rise

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I was falling. The wind was wiping around mi hair and the whistles of the wind overcame my senses of hearing. My wings were useless, they were heavy like they were made of iron. I was in to much shock to register that I could fly and save my self. They kicked me out, was my only tout, I wasn't good enough so they literaly threw me out of heaven. You see my mother Miriam is the sister of Ambrozia, the queen of angels. Being the royal one would tought I couldn't be kicked out just like that. But, it wasn't just like that. Today was my seventeenth birthday. On seventeenth birthday every magical creature gets his or her inheritance. For the angels it's their wings. But my wings weren't snowy white like the rest of the angels wings, no, they were pitch black. That could only mean I was part demon, part angel. My father was a demon, my mather had an affaire with a demon. I just lost my whole life because of my mothers stupidity. I didn't belonged to hell, being part angel my sole was to pure for that damned place. But i couldn't stay in heaven either, because no mather how pure, the angels were afraid of everything that was different. So I was stuck in between. On Earth. I wasn't afraid as the mentioned bacame closer. I knew the impact with the ground wouldn't hurt. Not as much as my heart hurt and my sole throbed. Finaly I colided with the hard and frozen ground. I felt dull ache in my muscles from the impact. I advertet my cristal blue eyes up at the clouds that I knew were hiding the gates of heavens. I didn't feel love, hurt, anger or any kind of emotion. No sadness or sorow, just emptiness. As a single tear roled down my cheek I wispered goodby. The feeling of emptines slowly rethriting as the anger, no rage that I never knew in my life washed over me. I wasn't good enough. Hell they are just a bunch of cowards afraid of everything that is different. I refuse to lower my head in defeat. I will rise again. I tought. I knew a lot about Earth, the creatures that lived here and there magic. I knew about the war that finished recently, between dark and light. Light wined. But I swear that I would show those pompouse angels that not all the darkness was evil. My powers are dark, I can control fire, talk to dragons and snakes, summone lightnings and create storms, and yet I'm not evil. I slowly rose to my feet. Thanks to being half demon I was healing quickly.

With magic i made my wings disappear. That will make moving trough Earth a lot easier, not to mencione i wanted to keep my indentity secret. And if i needed them they will reappear. I slowly started walking in the direction of the dark wood. I think it's the forbidden forest that I read about in the angel library. If it's true than Hogwards should be close. Maybe I could find shelter there...

( Not even knowing it, once fallen dark angel just started to rise)

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