Part 22

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Chapter 22


Aenys walked towards the guest Hall, his pace slow yet sharp as his mind raced to understand the implication behind this visit. His head guards stood attention as he walked past them towards the doors of the guest Hall.

He struck open the doors and stopped as he watched the people who had come to visit him. And recognize them he did.

It was Edmund Colero, a stout man with a protruding belly dressed in a gold-colored tunic matching his hair. The man was one of the wealthiest magisters from Lys, or at least had been till Aenys had decided otherwise. The man stood up with a smile.

"Ahh, my prince. It is so good to see you," said the man as he welcomed me. The person by his side was less enthusiastic. He was dressed in a white tunic. And his eyes were glinting in rage as he looked at Aenys, and Aenys did not miss the slight tightening of fists of the man as he walked into the room. He was Lebouf Norbon, the infamous Magister of Myr—a supposed relative of Cragas Drahar himself.

Aenys walked towards the men and didn't shake the offered hand. He saw Colero's eyes tighten as his attempted handshake was rebuffed.

"As much as I would like to share your sentiment, I fear it will not be possible," Aenys began, his voice cool and sharp, and he saw the smile vanish from Colero's face as soon as the words left his mouth. Lebouf fists balled up as he glared at him. Aenys paid the man no mind as he continued.

"I have offered you bread and salt, but that doesn't mean I wish to see your faces. So, say what you have to so we can all go on with our lives," Aenys began as he sat down.

"You bastard, you destroyed our liv...." Lebouf began to scream but was stopped by Colero as he raised his hand, stopped his ally from shouting, and whispered quietly in his ear. The man became quiet, and then they both sat down, and Colero began.

"It is unfortunate that we meet again in such dire circumstances. I can understand your anger, so I will get straight to the point, my prince," spoke the man slowly.

"We have done business for you for over a decade, my prince. You have delivered our children. Cured us and our families of disease and have traded with us. You even saved my brother's life," the man said with a smile, and it was true. His brother had been poisoned, and Aenys had cured the man with activated charcoal.

"And we believe that this relationship can continue further, despite the accident...."

"Murder," Aenys cut him off. His eyes narrowed.

"Not accident. Murder!" he corrected, and he saw the man gulp.

"And I believe you are wrong, Colero. I healed you and your families. I traded with you freely both my medicine and knowledge. And yet you all backstabbed me when your little pet attacked my Aunt's ship. So, I remain skeptical that our relationship can continue any further," Aenys finished and saw Colero's companions' eyes flint in rage. The reason was more obvious, he had been the biggest beneficiary of Cragas, and Aenys had known that, and hence he had been the one to bear the full brunt of his rage.

And he finally lost it.

"You inbred scum! You think you can destroy us! We will not let you rest in peace. We will destroy everything you hold dea...."

"Lebouf, that is enough!" intervened his companion. And then Colero looked at him.

"Prince Aenys, the loss of your aunt was tragic. Yet I can assure you that we never supported or sanctioned such an action. Drahar's crew mistook her ship for a trading ship and attacked it. So, as a sign of our sincerity, we have brought you a gift," said the man, and then he clapped his hands. And Aenys frowned as the gates to his guest room were opened once more.

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