Part 47

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Chapter 47


The Sun shined on the capital, basking the largest city of Westeros in its light as Gwayne Hightower found himself sitting with his wife-to-be in the blooming Godswood of the Redkeep. The Godswood was peaceful as always, with its silent trees and humble grass, unlike the rest of the city, which lay disturbed by the death of Lord Lyonel's crippled son. The whole thing had been somewhat of a mystery. The man had been a rather silent and obscure fellow, frugal with his words, though he did seem rather odd to him.

Well, it did not matter; the death was not really his concern now, especially with how the whole castle was bustling with servants rushing to prepare for the upcoming wedding between himself and the Princess.

The very Princess who had asked him for this meeting yet seemed rather distracted as she sat opposite to him, sighing every minute or so as she glanced through him with dazed eyes.

Dressed in a simple white dress with her hair tied behind her in a simple braid, the Princess looked breathtaking as always, and it ailed him greatly that he would not be able to see her for a week since she was set to leave for the Eyrie on the morrow to attend the wedding between Lady Rhea Royce and Ser Joffrey Arryn.

And the news of the match, and then the hurried wedding, had the whole court talking.

In the end, he decided to ask her.

"What is on your mind, Rhaenyra?" he questions gently, and the Princess shakes her head as if roused from a wandering thought as she looks up at his face with a complicated expression.

"Nothing," she replied, obviously lying. He indulges her as he continues.

"I don't believe nothing has the power of making a Princess sigh as much," he japes and she smiles, the guilt and apprehension never dying even as her lips turned up, as she relented to him.

"No, it does not," she replied with a smile, and he raised a brow as he leaned forward and placed his cup back on the table.

"Then tell me what thoughts ail you, Rhaenyra?" he questioned softly, and she looked into his eyes. Those amethyst orbs narrowed before she spoke softly.

"We agreed to marry each other, unaware of the tribulations waiting for me due to my position as heir," she began slowly, and he realized what she was talking about.

This was about Daemon and what had happened at the tourney. This wasn't the first time they had talked about it, and truthfully, he had thought of it many times alone. Prince Daemon's assault during the tourney had been a message, a message that he would not let her ascend the throne while he still lived. And if the rumblings in court were any indication were any true, then the man was making ploys to gain allies for his cause, though who would be foolish enough to follow a man like that beguiled him?

"And now that you are aware of such tribulations," the Princess added slowly, looking down.

"Would your answer be the same?" she added.

"Yes," he answered, for why wouldn't it be? And saw that the pace of his answer had surprised her as he saw her cheeks redden as she glanced down with a smile.

"And what if I wasn't the heir? What if my father decided he wished to change the succession?" she suddenly added, and he felt the air halt with tension as those amethyst orbs stared at her, examining him from head to toe with the gaze of a ruler.

"It wouldn't matter, Rhaenyra. I chose to marry Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, not the heir to the throne. Whether you be Queen in the future or not, I shall stand by you in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, as a husband should," he replied with a gulp. Her gaze didn't relent with his answer, as she continued to look at him, and then he saw her shoulder relax, as the tension evaporated.

THE HEALER PRINCE ( House of dragon reincarnation)(OC x Alicent)Where stories live. Discover now