Part 39

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Chapter 39


The atmosphere in the nursery was chilling as their eyes met, and Aeny's heart thumped in his chest as he saw Daemon holding his son in his arms. There was nothing physically wrong with the gesture as he held his son in his arms, smiling down at the babe, yet Aenys did not miss the haughtiness of his smile or the malice hidden in those eyes.

"What are you doing here, Daemon?" he said through gritted teeth as he moved forward and took his son from his arms. Thankfully, the babe was asleep.

"Ahh, why such hostility, brother," Daemon began in a jovial tone as Anya came in behind them, red-faced and huffing, and halted as she saw them face to face.

"I just came here to see my dear nephew," Daemon continued, and Aenys handed Aenar to Anya, whispering for her to take him to Alicent.

"Have you heard? I have a son of my own. Baelon, Baelon Targaryen," he continued, and Aenys eyes narrowed as he saw how Daemon was clad in full armor.

"I have heard, though I believe that isn't quite his name now, is it," Aenys taunted and saw Daemon's eyes narrow at his words.

"He is my son! No matter what these hecklers at court say. And I will cut down the tongue of anyone who says differently," he said through gritted teeth.

"Then I am afraid you will have to cut the tongues of half the court," Aenys said with a wave of his hand and watched as Daemon's face flushed in rage. Yet before the bastard could go on another tirade, Aenys cut in.

"Why are you here, Daemon?" he questioned and saw his eyes narrow as he answered with a mocking smile.

"Didn't I answer it earlie...."

"Don't lie to me! And tell me, why are you here, Daemon?" Aenys questioned again and saw Daemon's expression shift as he began to pace.

"You see, some weeks ago, a foreign envoy interested in a venture of mine left my manse only to meet with a certain individual," he began, and Aenys finally realized what this was all about.

"This individual passed them a letter and would lead them to a certain newly built building. After this, miraculously, despite their initial eagerness to fund this venture of mine, this entity decided that they were no longer interested in it," he said as he picked up a toy dragon from Aenar's cot.

"Coincidence, wouldn't you say?" he finished, and Aenar smiled as he realized that the letter he had sent to Braavos had worked. It had taken some time to find the man leading the Keyholders. As he uncovered his dealings with Daemon, he had written a strongly worded letter to the man, with an implied threat, practically forcing him to stop all such negotiations.

"That seems unfortunate, but I don't see why that would bring you here?" Aenys answered as Daemon scrunched up his nose, his hand scratching the red-mottled skin on the side of his neck as he answered.

"Ahh, silly me. Well, the truth is I just came here to see my nephew before he went back to Braavos. You will be returning to the city soon, won't you be?" he began.

"And why does that matter to you?" Aenys questioned and frowned as he saw a smile appear on Daemon's face as he twisted the neck of Aenar's toy dragon, as he answered cryptically.

"Ahh, haven't you heard, Kingslanding can be quite dangerous...." But he couldn't finish, as Aenys swung his fist at the bastard's face before he could even react,

"AGH!" Daemon grunted in pain and tried to retaliate, but Aenys blocked his fist as he pushed his back flat against the wall and looked him straight in the eye as he reached for the dagger strapped to his back.

THE HEALER PRINCE ( House of dragon reincarnation)(OC x Alicent)Where stories live. Discover now