The letter

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Dear diary

The night was coming and the sun was coming down. I was sitting at my desk writing a letter. My ink cup was almost out and my hand was tired. But it was worth it, (He) was worth the pain and the hand cramps. I was writing this letter to him so that i could reply to the latest letter (he) had sent to me. I was almost done when Frodo came into my room. " Elira, what are you doing?" I turned around quickly hiding the letter i was writing to (him). No one could know about us. "Um, nothing. What are you doing?" I replied with a face full of shame. I took the letter and put it in the envelope. " Have you talked to Uncle Bilbo?" I asked while putting my envelope in my pocket. Frodo shook his head. " I haven't seen him since the party. Speaking of the Party. Have you prepared for the trip to Rivendale?" Frodo Replied asking me a question. " Naturally, I am prepared to follow you." I smiled. I stood up and walked past him to get ready for bed.

Time skip.

In the morning Frodo had prepared a quick snack to eat before we left. Now all i had to do was get ready and leave. "Ready to go Elira?" Frodo asked touching my shoulder. I nodded. So the adventure begins. First we arrived at Brii. There we met 'Strider' also known as Aragon. He helped Lead us to Rivendale. On our way to Rivendale we got attacked by the Kings from the dead. Frodo unfortunately got stabbed under his shoulder. Luckily he was saved by Lord Elronds daughter.

Rivendale was beautiful. All the big buildings and the waterfalls along with the rivers was magical.

The meeting of the fellowship began. " Strangers from distant land, friends of old. You have been summoned here by the threat of mordor. Middle-Earth stands on the brick of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Lord Eldron sat explaining to everyone around him. I in particular was having a blast seeing my one secret love at the meeting. But i could not stare at him too much, people would get suspicions, and that would not be great. "So it is true." Boromir whispered. "It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father the steward at Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him." Boromir tried to convince the people around him. "You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring only answers to sauron alone. It has no other master." Aragon interrupted him. Honeslty i was kind of glad about it right before Boromir started talking again. " And what would a Ranger know of this?" Boromir asked in a cocky tone. " This is no mere Ranger. This is Aragon son of Arathorn. You owe him your aligence." Legolas the prince of woodlandrealm said. As he stood up in confidence. " This is Isildurs heir?" Boromir asked in disgust. " And the heir to the throne of Gondor." Legolas continued. "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king." Boromir expressed. "Sit down Legolas." Aragon said, trying to get control of the situation.

If i was to intervene in this conversation, I would probably do the same thing that Aragon was doing. Maybe elves and men are not the best of friends. " Aragon is right, we cannot use it." Gandalf squeezed in between the two of them. " You have only one choice. The ring must be destroyed." Lord Eldron told. "What are we waiting for?" Gimli a dwarf said, before he stood up and walked over to the ring swinging his axe down at the table. Unfortunately the axe broke into pieces. "The ring can not be destroyed Gimli son of Gloin by any power we posses. The ring was made in the fires of mount doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and be cast back into the fire it came." Lord Eldron Explained to Gimli who was stunned back from hitting the ring. " One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orces. There is evil there, that does not sleep. And the great eye is ever-watchful. It is a barreled waist line. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breath is fumed. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly." Boromir sat and explain like he had been there. Then Legolas prince of mirkwood stood up. " Have you heard nothing Lord Eldron just said. The ring must be destroyed." Gimli son of Gloin then started protesting against legolas. " And i suppose you think, you're the one to do it." " And if we fail what then, what happens when sauron takes back what is his?" Boromir rose up. "I will be dead before i see the ring in the hands of an elf." Gimli spat out. That was kind of rude but i guess he hated the elves.

The elvers on the other hand were not impressed by the unfriendly comment. They all stood up and started yelling. While everyone was yelling, I looked over at Frodo who was having a hard time. I could see the pain in his eyes whenever the ring was calling him. Suddenly he stood up and started yelling. " I will take it. I will take it. I will take the ring to mordor. Though i do not know the way." Why would he take this opportunity. "No." I whispered. Both Boromir, Aragon, Gimli and Legolas wanted to help him. Sam even jumped out of a bush that he was hiding from. So did Mary and Pippin. "If they are going I'm going." I said loud while rising from my seat. "No, Elira this mission is far too dangerous for you. I will not let you take a part in this." Aragon explained. " I can take care of myself Aragon. Besides I can fight if needed, which I am sure is part of the Journey we are going on." I tried to convince him to let me take a part of it. " All right, but your death will not be my responsibility." He tried to change my mind. " Really, you will let me help?" I smiled. Aragon nodded to me. I jumped in his arm with my little hobbit legs. " Thank you, thank you thank you." I screamed. " Ten companions. You shall be the fellowship of the ring." Lord Eldron said.

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