Terrible at keeping it secret pt 1

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Dear diary.
Today it have been troubled.
We got attacked by orcs in the mountains and Saruman found us. He put spells on us for all I know.
Here I will tell you the story for today.

We all camped by a little fire in the woods and sat around getting to know each other. Now is the day you will get to know who (he) is.
So as you can see on the picture Legolas is there.
That also means that Legolas is my secret lover.
We keep it secret because it is unusual for a hobbit and an elf to love each other. People wouldn't understand it, especially not his father. Legolas has said that his father wanted him to marry an elf from the lady Galadriel's army.

Legolas has told me he never wanted that. He wanted to marry me. And I him. We weren't ready for it yet, but we knew that someday it would happen. We knew that someday we would create our own family. He would someday be king, but I could never be queen. Queen of the mirkwood is an elf's job and I am not an elf. It would be a shame not to make an elf queen.

Well anyway the fire we camped around was comfortable and snuggy. It was just perfect for cooking. Sam and Frodo had cooked potatoes and mushrooms. I love mushrooms. They make the best in the shire. Aragon and Boromir had a nice little chat about where we would be going next. Gandalf slowly began to join their chat. I on the other hand went over to Pippin and Merry. So far they have been my greatest company. Pippin and Merry always make me laugh. They always have something stupid or funny to say, that makes me chuckle a bit. They have that effect on people around them.

Meanwhile talking with Pippin and Merry, Legolas comes up behind me and gives me the biggest chock I have ever experienced. "AH!" I scream turning around to see him in front of me. "Careful it's just me." He laughed looking up from the ground pushing his hair away. "Jesus, you seriosly made me think someone was trying to get me." I said giving him a little push with my elbow. Pippin saw it and eyebrows as if he thought i was flirting with Legolas. "What was that?" Pippin asked to push my elbow like i did as a sign of teas. "I have no idea what you are talking about Pippin." I turned around on my heel and walked over to Gimli.

"Hello m' lady." Gimli said. "Gimli what are you doing?" I asked sitting down next to him. "Well m' lady I am simply enjoying the view of the forest." He explained looking at me. "Mind if I join you?" I asked nicely since I didn't want to explain to Pippin. "Of cour-." was the only thing Gimli got to say before Sam shouted. "Listen up. We need someone to get more wood for our fire. It is about to run out."

"I will go. But can someone come with me if anything happens?" I requested since it was dangerous for me to go alone with all the orcs and creatures around. "I will come with you." Legolas jumped down from a rock and walked over to me. "Great, let's go." I smiled since I was getting alone time with him.

"So, how's everything going with your father's kingdom?" I asked picking up some branches from the ground. "Well, he hasn't really talked to me since he found some of the letters. He asked me about them and I just told him that I was helping a friend send them." Legolas answered while taking some of the branches from my arms. "Oh, yeah Frodo almost found out. Or he did kinda find out just not that it was you." I smiled when he answered. Legolas raised his eyebrow confused as why I would tell Frodo about us.
"Uh okay, maybe he knows it's you. B-but I didn't tell him at first I ju-." I stuttered trying to explain myself. Even though Legolas managed to interrupt me.

"Do I make you nervous?" He asked with a grin on his face. The look in his eyes was like a drug to me. It told me he knew what I was feeling. Legolas had the worst effects on me. Sometimes he could make my legs shake with his bare eyes. His eyes was like a sky full of stars. They were magical.
"What no, you just give me 'the look' and it's not fair." I sated to get justice. "I'm not doing anything." Legolas let out a little laugh. "Ugh just shut up." I said annoyed as i pushed him aside with my elbow since my arms were full from the branches.

"Finally your back." Sam said clapping his hands and  rubbing them together. The whole camp smelled like potatoes and bread. "Smells amazing Sam." I smiled ,while sniffing the air.
As i walked over to the fireplace the smell, became stronger and stronger.
"No one makes it better then I." Sam smiled standing proudly with the lid the pot. I smiled by the thought that Sam was so proud of himself. "I bet that it's great Sam. But I think I'll stick with my lembas bread." Legolas came up behind me and put a hand on my back. He didn't even try to hide the fact that we were lovers. "No you won't. You will eat what Sam is making and you will do it gratefully." I scolded Legolas, removing his hand from my back.

"Aragon, where are we going?" I asked walking myself away from Legolas. He was acting weird like as if something had changed and I needed to know.
"We are going through the mountains. Make your way over to one of us. You will need help walking through the snow." Legolas heard the conversation Aragon and I were having. "How about I do it. I cannot freeze afterall." Legolas grinned. "No I think it would be best if I got with Boromir."
I said and walked over to Boromir right after.
"Mind if I join you?" I asked sitting down next to him. "Sure." He answered looking straight ahead.

"You okay?" I asked worried.
"Not really."
I looked over at him and said. "Well what's wrong?"
Boromir looked down.
"My father. He's never fully satisfied with anything Faramir or I do." Boromir confessed out.
"Wow, I didn't know you felt that way. My tip is to talk to him about it." I smiled at him taking his hand as a sign of comfort.
"What's going on over here?" I heard a familiar voice say. When I turned around Legolas and Aragon stood behind me.
"Nothing. Were just talking." I said and looked at my lovers disgusted face.
I could sense the tension in his eyes.
But before Aragon could say anything to us Legolas just stormed of.

"I'll take care of it." I said standing up and brushing my legs of from the dirt on the ground.

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