Up in the mountains

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Dear diary it was so rough.

We were all walking in the snow. I was holding onto Boromir, he helped me walk. Legolas just ran around on top of the snow. The only thing I remember after was Legolas' voice talking to Gandalf. "There is a fell voice in the air." The sound of a familiar name was heard. "IT'S SARUMAN." Gandalf shouted. Suddenly snow began falling down on top of us and we were covered.

(Time skip, sorry I don't remember the rest)

"The walls of Moria." Gimli said honored. The night was very dark and the fog was pressuring. "It reads. The doors of Durin, lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter." Gandalf said out loud. Merry behind looked up. "What do you suppose that means?" He asked Gandalf. "Well, it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open." Gandalf answered. All though when he tried to say the password it did not work, so we ended up sitting there for a while.

"Mines are no place for a pony. Even ones so brave as Bill." I heard Aragon say to Sam, who was petting Bill. "Bye bye Bill." Sam fare welled. It was quite sweet honestly.

"What are you up to?" I asked Legolas. He was standing by the water admiring the moon's reflection. "The moon. It is beautiful. Don't you think?" He replied. "Yes. But It looks weird, when you stand here all alone." I smiled agreeing with his opinion. "Why don't you join me then?" He requested. "Onlime if tye lilt- as Im.(Only if you dance with me.)" I replied. "-o nút.( of course.)" He said, and took my hand. He started to spin me around. I giggled every time he lifted me up. Even though I was small, I was still taller than the other hobbits. Actually it was a very unusual height. I have often wondered if I was even Frodo's sister. But that was just nonsense.

Legolas spun me around and lifted me up once more. I grabbed around his neck. Barely. "Here let me help." He whispered. He lifted me up and placed me around his hips. "Better?" He asked. "Now it just feels like I'm your child." I replied angrily. Legolas chuckled and kissed me gently on my lips. It was our first kiss. Our very first kiss. "Does it still feel like you're my child?" He asked. "Lala.(no.)" I answered.

"It's a riddle. Speak friend and enter. What's the elvish word for friend?" Frodo asked Gandalf.

"Mellon." Gandalf said. The doors slowly opened when he had said that.

Legolas put me down and we walked over to the door. Inside the mine there were skeletons everywhere. Gimli saw them and started crying. For his family had died. Even I got emotional. "Oh no." I whispered to myself. Legolas walked over to one of the skeletons, and pulled out an arrow. "Gobblins." He said out loud. "WHAT!" I shouted scared. I was scared my skills with a sword weren't enough to protect myself. "GET OUT, GET OUT!" Aragon shouted. But before could a monster came rising up from the lake. "FRODO!" I screamed as the monster pulled him with a tentacle. "LEGOLAS!" I screamed. He started to shoot the beast as it was about to eat my brother. "GET BACK!" Aragon instructed the other.

"FRODO. YOU LET MY BROTHER GO, YOU UGLY BEAST!" I shouted and ran over to the monster with my sword. I started cutting and stabbing the beast's arms. It would not die. When it finally let go of him, it wasn't even because of me. The other had begun to help. Soon we were running back into the mine again with the monster after us. The walls and roof started to fall down onto the monster blocking us from getting out. It was all dark. Until Gandalf lit the mine up with his staff of course.

We made it to a tunnel. There were three entrances. Gandalf couldn't remember the way yet. So once again we had to wait on him.

"Na- tye okaime mime mel?(Are you okay my love?)" Legolas came up behind me. He rested his hand on my shoulders. "Ni na ruce-, Legolas.( I am afraid, Legolas.)" I looked down. "Afraid?" He asked. "Of what?" He continued. "You, I am afraid of losing you. If you die then what. Im mel cin (I love you)." I replied. Legolas placed his hands around my waist and hugged me. "You will not lose me." He calmed me down. I turned around to face him. I smiled and moved my index finger back and forth, as a sign for him to move closer. As he leaned in, I placed lips to his. He pulled me closer and I stepped up on my toes. I wouldn't want this moment to end fast. It felt amazing to know he was close and that he protected me.

As the kiss ended he bit my lip carefully. "Thank you." I thanked him for the comfort. "Ah it's this way." Gandalf said loud. "He remembered." Pippin said. "No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here." He continued. Of course that was the reason he knew which way to go.

(Time skip)

Pippin had turned on the drums. He had pushed a corpse down into a well. It was beginning to scare me as Gandalf had just the book. This meant that the goblins were in fact still alive. They started to shoot arrows and Boromir shouted that they had a cave troll. Cave trolls are extremely dangerous. Bilbo had told me all about them.

The others fought the goblins off. I attacked as well. But there were too many for me. "LEGOLAS!" I screamed as more goblins surrounded me. I felt his eyes turn to me as I screamed. "ELIRA!" He shouted out my name. I felt a sharp pain in my thigh as I turned around to see him. His eyes were full of fear and terror. He was afraid to lose me. Legolas started to shoot the goblins around me. But when I looked back at my thigh, there was a dagger in it. I had been stabbed. I kept fighting though. I fought until my body gave up. Luckily there weren't many goblins around me when it gave up.

"ARAGON!" He shouted for help. They both fought them off.

I heard a scream from Frodo. "Frodo." I called weakly. "Lie still." Legolas said quietly. He had run over to me. "Save your strength." Legolas cried out. "ARAGON!" He called out after seeing that Frodo was okay. "What happened?" Aragon rushed over to us. "She's losing too much blood just if I could just. Give me something, anything that i can bind around her thigh." He cried out.

(Legolas' Pov) This is the part where Legolas helped me write.

"Aragon, help me for gods sake." I cried. He was kneeling down next to me. I could see life leaving Elira's eyes. I pulled the dagger out of her and she screamed in pain. "Lie still. You're gonna be okay." I worried. I had cut a piece of my cape and band it around her thigh. "No, No. NO. Wake up Elira. Wake up." I cried out. "Legolas." Aragon said quietly. I kept trying to cover the wound with my hands. There was blood everywhere. There was blood on my pants, my shirt, my hands, and the floor. "No I've got to keep trying. I can't lose her." I protested. "Legolas, It's too late. Leave her." Boromir said behind me. "IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!" I shouted out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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