Last day in rivendale

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Dear diary.

Tomorrow is our last day in rivendale.
Gimli one of the dwarfs has shown me how to us an ax of course I enjoyed it. Everyone was kind to me except Legolas and the elves they wouldn't even talk to me or look at me. The only one who looked at me was Legolas. It felt weird knowing my one true love would be able to see him looking at me. But I just ignored it. I wish none of this happened, but even though I didn't want to leave i had to because of the ring. Rivendale was absolutely beautiful. The beaches and the waterfalls were amazing. The view from my room. Speaking of my room. (He) would visit at night and we would sit and talk about how the adventures are going. We would also talk about fighting strategies. But i know it is an odd thing to talk about when you are in love.
We would make sure no one saw us at all cost.
It was unusual for a hobbit and (him) to be together. Sometimes when nobody was around he would carry me to my room when my feet were tired. He was honestly amazing. He was helping me and talking to me when i was alone.
Then we would often talk about the letters we wrote and the meanings behind them.
We were secret.

On the last night in rivendale Frodo came and said hi.
I was sitting in my bed, when i heard a knock on my door. " Come in." I answered. The door opened and Frodo came inside.
" I need to talk to you." He said. Whenever Frodo would say that he'd normally scare me. He got it from Bilbo. They both were always so serious.
"Don't scare me like that. What have i done?" I asked him trying to make a little joke so that if he scolded me it would hurt less.
"I've noticed you and ( Him) have been talking a lot. Is he the secret guy you get letters from?" When Frodo asked that, my heart froze. How did he know. I mean he didn't know yet but he suspected. " N-no what do you mean??" I asked trying to lie. He raised and eyebrow as a sign of that he knew i was lying to him. " Fine, but you can't tell anyone. We both promised to keep it a secret." I tried convincing him to keep in a secret.
" I would never. I am just happy you told me. And if you really love him why would you keep it a secret?" He informed. " I don't know. It just feels safer." I shrugged my shoulders.
" Alright then, goodnight." Frodo farewelled and walked out of my door.
After he walked out i went to bed.

The next day.
Dear diary.
Today (he) and I had planned to act normal around each other. If anyone else knew about us,  ( Him) and I would get in trouble.
We had all packet when Aragon gave me a little knife. He gave it to me so that i could protect myself some extra. Not that i needed it. Maybe i did, but okay I can't find a lie to say right now.
Well uhm Legolas had been helping me with the knife so that i could learn to throw it. Sam have been cooking a lot and Pippin and Merry have been my comfort. Everyone has been nice. But i was scared of the danger that would come to be a part of the adventure.  All the orcs and monsters. All the creatures hiding in the dark. And ever since i was little my uncle Bilbo used to tell me stories about when he was on his adventures. When he was with Thorin and the dwarfs that defeated the big orc.

He used to tell me about how dangerous they were. And he told me about when most of the friends died because of it. If ( He) died i would die. If (he) died then i would murder the whole world and then kill myself.
We belong together, and no one would get in our way.
Of course I wouldn't kill the whole world, but I would kill for him.
(He) meant that much to me.
Soon you will find out who (he) is. But I have to discover more. The journey will be long and hard. It will cause a lot of damage and drain the world from blood. It honestly scares me a lot. But I am mostly scared for Frodos life. He is just a little person, just like me. We don't belong in fights and saving the world. We belong in the shire making pies and drinking beer. We belong home taking care of the people we love.

Hobbits are the most peaceful creatures. We wouldn't hurt a fly. All though, there was once, when I got into a fight with a boy who stole my bag. But at least I won.

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