chapter 5

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Seonghwa has been silence for a while as he walk beside hongjoong. "This is not the road to dorm" hongjoong suddenly says. Seonghwa look at him in confuse.

"How did i know what you think?" Hongjoong still looking forward. Seonghwa frown and pout. "If you know what i think, then tell me where we are going. I cant read mind like you could, joong" he says as he look forward again.

"San" hongjoong suddenly says. Seonghwa immediately turn his head looking at hongjoong. "What's with san?" He ask. Hongjoong sigh. They stop at a table in a cafe. "You will know. Wait a few minutes, they should be here soon" he says.

Seonghwa pout again. This is why hongjoong and him cant get along well, he loves to talk. while this kim hongjoong, is the complete opposite. He picks the menu and eyes shine as he look at all the food. He calls the waiter to order right away.

"Hi, are you ready to order?" A girl in her waiter uniform ask. Seonghwa smile and nod. "I would like a slice of strawberry cheesecake with a side of latte" he says. The waiter nod and jot it down.

"And your boyfriend?" Seonghwa almost choke with his own saliva. "He's not m.. my boyfriend. We are.. are just roommate" he says.

(And they were roommate. Sorry guys, i had to)

The waiter looks sorry. "Oh, really? Im sorry, sir. What would your friend want sir?" She ask. Seonghwa just look at hongjoong before says, "just a cup of americano, please". The waiter smile and jot it down.

"Please wait while we prepare your order"


Seonghwa sigh again. "How long are we going to wait here, joong?" He says as he put his face in his arm.

He already finished both his drink and cake a few minutes earlier and now he is bored and he cant order another one, cause he is on diet.

Hongjoong just stay silent as he take another small sip of his drink. That's until a group of people comes in.

"They are here. They will sit behind you, so can you stay silent and listen to their conversation?" Hongjoong ask.

Seonghwa just nod in confusion. Hongjoong raise his hand to the waiter. "One strawberry milkshake" he says.

The waiter nod and ask them to wait for a while. Seonghwa peek at hongjoong's cup. "You still have half cup of americano"

Hongjoong look at him. "But you dont. That drink is for you" he says before taking out his phone.

Seonghwa just nod. 'at least he is considerate' he thought.

The group of boys take some time before they order. They consist of 4, seonghwa knows all of them.

And its not because of a good reason.

"What happened to that boy?" One of them ask. Seonghwa recognise the voice, it belongs to lee jaehwan. "Who?" Another one, this must be belong to park dae hyun.

"What do you mean who? Of course its our sannie" this one is choi baek hyeong. Seonghwa tensed when he hears that nickname.

"He wont dare tell anyone about it. He is too coward to do it" that one, belongs to the unofficial leader, kim sangwook. "Besides, we have more than what he does" he continues. 

Seonghwa looks at hongjoong, who keeps his expressionless face from the beginning. 


Seonghwa has been silent the whole time after he came back from the cafe. Luckily he asked wooyoung to cook some simple dinner before he go the cafe

Hongjoong is out again. He has a part time job from what seonghwa remember

Its a lie if seonghwa says that he can stay calm. He cant. Its just too much for him to handle. But he cant do anything right now, as both him and hongjoong has zero evidence and witnesses.

He sigh again. "I should wash up" he gets up before goes to the bathroom to do his night routine. 


"Is the printing done, seungmin?" Seonghwa ask to the secretary of student council. "Yes. Are you going to put the poster on the notice board now?" Seungmin ask.

Seonghwa nod as he put the rest of his things on the table. "Can you inform the members in the group chat? I want to go back to my class to take the remaining of my things" he says before walk out from the room.

The summer festival is a month away and its also been few weeks since seonghwa knows the truth about san from hongjoong. He looks like a walking zombie with the all stress he have.

He has to settle san's case while also making sure the summer festival can go smooth. He is tired, but he cant pass the work to someone else. Its his responsibility.

Seonghwa sigh as he walk towards his class. He meets with hongjoong as he open up the door. Seonghwa just smile weakly as he walk pass the latter.

"You look like a living zombie" seonghwa roll his eyes. "Thanks for pointing the obvious, kim hongjoong" he says as he continue collecting his things.

As he turn, he meet with hongjoong once again, which startle him a bit. "Can you move? I have work to do" seonghwa says. Hongjoong doesnt even move an inch.

He put his hands in his pocket. Without a word, hongjoong pull one of seonghwa's hand and pull him towards the back of their class. Hongjoong sit first before pulling seonghwa (again), forcing the now blushing boy to sit on his lap.

What makes it even more embarrassing is that seonghwa have to face hongjoong. Seonghwa tries to squirm and let himself go, but its very obvious that his strength cant fight hongjoong's.

"What are you doing? I told you i have work" seonghwa says, still trying to let himself free. Hongjoong just push seonghwa's head to stay on his shoulder.

Seonghwa freeze. Just what the heck is happening right now?

"I already told chan to tell his cousin that you're not coming back. You've done too much work, hwa. Rest a bit" hongjoong says.

"But-" "i told you, you look like a walking zombie. Take a nap" seonghwa tries to fight the sleepiness but fail when he feels hongjoong's soft caress on the back of his hair.

Seonghwa doesnt know if its a dream but he is sure he hears hongjoong mutter something under his breath.


Im posting few chapters today. So, i will do long conversation in chapter ahead.

See ya <3

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