1. Kavish

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"You are unbelievable"

People become dangerous when you let them know too much about you .
So you shouldn't.

Keeping a low profile has been my way of living life . Although , that didn't keep me from becoming a leader .
The one who walks affront.

"Hello are you listening?"

Being a mafia lord, my dad has taught me to keep a heart of stone . The day I feel my heart actually beats , I'm gonna fall.
Which I can't afford in this lifetime.

"Dad will you tell him?"

The only day , my heart was beating , racing and even pounding was when my sister fell into my arms completely red in blood . Her barbie like face and hair dripping wet in that red liquid . I've never feared blood or death but that day , I did. Only the death had knocked on my doll's door.

"Kavish" dad shakes my arm yanking me out of my thoughts .

Dad's tab kept on the table is playing some news regarding the country's new budget while mom is serving food to him . My mom , even after being the wife of a mafia boss , is super sweet and generous who keeps the househelps like her own siblings. That behavior is dangerous in our world.
Dad's eyes meet mine and I realize I've been holding the spoon in my right hand for more than ten minutes . I think a lot . Like a lot.

"Here , talk to me" ishani slaps her hand on the table. Sometimes I feel dad , me and mom have been pampering her a lot . Now the kid of our house is ordering us around.

"I said No and my decision is final"

"But why" she cries "dad please"

"Sorry, I'm gonna go with whatever kavish says" he keeps his gaze fixed at his tab.

"I don't wanna eat" she pushes the plate of fruits from the front of her .

Ishani wants to go to the Dreams Elite University- DEU which is a super stupid request considering we own a University ourselves .

"I hate BHU" she mumbles.

" too bad but that's only where you'll study" I get up from the table as I get a text from Archit and I tell him I'll be there soon . Running a mafia club at BHU and leading the whole university has taught me strategies.

"Kavish please" she grabs the sleeve of my shirt digging her white painted nails into it.


"Please , please ,please" she rushes behind me as the househelps pick her bags and put them into my car .

Sending her to another university and that too where my rivals , those elite and aristocratic students study who consider us nothing more than criminals isn't something I wish to do. But seeing this little kiddo request so much isn't a scene I prefer to see . Ishani is the cutest child of this world, she's adorable but under a threat . If once someone can shoot her , he can come back again . I don't want to take that risk .

"He cares about you ishi" my mom walks out followed by dad .

"Which car are you taking" dad asks and I point to a black bullet proof tesla . I will never take ishani in any car which is not well protected .

"But mom, I don't like BHU , those Gothic vibes, those mafia kids , I don't like it all"

"I think you should consider her request kavish" mom says as dad hugs us goodbye and gets into his car before driving out of the driveway .

"I'll think about it and don't have high hopes, I'm----"

"Yayyyyy yayyy , I love you. You are the best brother" she hugs me and my mind automatically begins thinking of the ways I can keep her safe in rival's territory.

"The girl who'll marry you is going to be so lucky " mom giggles making my cheeks heat up . I don't know why but this is something I never wish to discuss . When they bring up this topic , my thought process gets ideas that it shouldn't get when I don't have time for all this in life right now.

"I love the way his cheeks flush on the mere discussion of an imaginary girl" ishani laughs trying her best to tickle me.

"Stop it" a smile automatically curves up my lips.

" aww my son knows how to blush. That cute pinkish glow can make any girl fall head over heels for you"

"I didn't blush so stop it both of you " I deadpan " and I'm not even gonna think of anyone untill and unless she can beat my sister in being adorable"

"That is difficult but not impossible" mom and ishani exchange glares .

"Now Get in the car " I sit on the driver side and everytime I sit with her in a car , the only image I see belongs to that black day. I almost , almost lost her and I couldn't ever forgive me for letting her go alone .

"I'm not gonna stay with boys for long"

"Zain and Archit are not strangers to you" I start the car while she inspects her ring .

For me my sister has been the perfect image of a girl . Cute , adorable and classy at the same time . Growing up with her , it has become my concience to be protective of her always . To make her feel comfortable . So if I'm in a relationship, I'll be a giver and she should be a taker . I should be in control although I don't mind taking opinions .

"I have so many plans after graduation, once I complete my business management course , I'm gonna start my own business . Dad will surely help me ."


"What hmm, you always pump him against me and he--"

I press the breaks when another car overtakes us so close that my veins are about to explode with fury . Ishani almost hits the dashboard if it isn't for the seatbelt to keep her in place.

After making sure she isn't hurt, I unlock the door to step out but ishani clutches to my arm.

"No , no let them go . Please"

I lock the door and speed up the car . It's not difficult to chase motherfuckers in car if you are a racer .

"Kavish please stop this"

"We're not doing anything else ishani, no hurting anyone" I smile simultaneously turning the steering wheel .

She sighs and when our car crosses them I see two punks sitting inside.

Ishani looks out of the window when their car is left behind us. The car now skids and hits the boundary before exploding like a bomb .

"Hawww what the hell did just---"

Her eyes turn wide as I put the gun back on the dashboard .


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