Epilogue-: Kainaat

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After 6 Years

I sit with Ishani on the porch as she sips juice from a glass in her hand while I text Avi .
" he said he'll be here soon" I utter and Ishani smiles . Everyone knows Avi is mostly late .

"Dad is late" Daksh asks running towards me .

"You will fall" ishani gets up and picks him up "Don't run like that"

"Where's Rey" he asks and I swear Daksh cannot spend a second without Ishani's son.

Although they have an age gap of two years but still they connect to each other on a different level . At least Daksh does , reyansh however is different than any other kid .

"Ohh" my two year old boy claps and voices when he sees Kiaan's car approach us . Even though we are at kiaan's Villa for vacations,  kavish is busy in his own work but here I see kiaan on the driver side with his son on his lap .

"Is he teaching him how to drive" I laugh .
"He's unbelievable,  what father does that " ishani holds her forhead.

"Relax Ishani Reyansh is safe"

"He learns very fast and this is not good. At the age of four which kid knows how to load a gun and which kid can tell the type of gun only at a single glance ?"

"Kiaan's son" I chuckle and actually everyone knows kiaan wants his son to be perfect which ends up being stressful for our cutipie .

Kiaan gets out of the car picking Rey in his arms and soon behind him Avi's car comes into vision .

I cross my arms in front of my chest as daksh runs towards his father. Kiaan and Ishani go in while I raise a brow asking a certain late Comer "you said no work"

"I'm sorry sweatheart this was important"

"We are not talking to you "

"Yes, no talking to dad" daksh imitates me and Avi is spellbound "this is unfair"

"And you always being late is fair?"

"Yes, it is fair ? Is it fair ?"

"You shut up" avi picks daksh up who again imitates "Shut up mom"

"I told you to shut up" Avi laughs.

"Reyansh" I ask the boy sitting silently in a corner as Avi sits on the porch .

"I'm busy" he mumbles.

"And what are you busy with Mr. Raghuvanshi" avi questions.

"My thoughts" he utters getting up. Puts his hands in pocket and goes in .

"Waao" I'm speechless. " Kiaan and ishani are inside let's--"

"Don't need that image of my sister thank you" avi says tickling daksh .

"What image ?He is her husband and they have a son together"

"Urghh sweatheart. Didn't need that image too" he squeezes his eyes for a second and I laugh so hard.

"What's so funny" ishani question coming out followed by kiaan and Rey .

"You having a son with kiaan" I utter .

"One hundred and fifteeth way to kill will be appropriate here" Rey utters making me shocked.

"Nice joke" avi speaks but Rey has no expressions.

"What type of books are you reading " ishani asks and it's strange he reads rather than playing. He is not at all a normal kid .

"Relax Buttefly" kiaan throws an arm around her shoulder "I'll show you something "

They walk near the pool and suddenly kiaan throws her in the water .
Daksh claps while kiaan laughs.

"Family time feels so good" Avi utters placing his head on my shoulder .

"With you everytime feels good" I smile .

"Aww" daksh chuckles and we both laugh .

Untill today it is hard to believe that my life changed so drastically and today the guy I never wanted is the father of my son ,My Dark Demon . kavish solanki became my Avi and now is the source of each and every happiness I've ever known. I love him so much and till the last breath I will love him the same.

**The End**


The last book of Royal Monsters Series ends here.  Thank you so much for being with me in this journey. I really enjoyed a lot writing the series and these books will forever be in my heart .

Thank you ❤️

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Do check out the preface and please answer the questions in QnA

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The Royal Monsters World

The Royal Monsters World

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