3. Kavish

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Despite my constant objection Ishani just won't agree to what I decided for her so I had to let her go away . This doesn't mean she isn't being watched . I also have to focus on the Championship if Archit doesn't fuck everything up somehow . Both of the oberois are head over heels for DEU girls and I am not happy with that . Still I'm being optimistic because they say keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.
I have another hour before I go for checking the Championship rehearsals at our campus so I'll check up on Ishani untill then .

Archit told me she stays with a few girls of her University which is better considering she cannot stay alone .
If I'm right and her schedule hasn't been changed then she must be at her HR class .

DEU studens mostly gape at mafias like we always roam around with open fire but deep down they envy us so much . That's what happens when you can't face competition otherwise . I enter inside a coridoor where her class is in a room I don't know.
Some girls pass by me as I stop to text Archit .

He's kavish solanki .

I raise my eyes from the phone screen as one of them grins .

"Are you looking for your sister"

I nod and put my phone back as she points to our left .

"HR class, G-25 . She slept in the class"

A smile curves up my lips . Silly kid .

"Thanks" I head towards the room but the girl voices "what thanks ? Add me on your IG"

"Will think about it " I walk away passing G-15 , G-17 , G-18 , G-19 and suddenly I hear "what are you doing here"

"I'm sure you know my sister studies here" I turn around and face Asshole Devansh thakkar"

He's Abhimanyu's friend and a walking talking joke himself but he never fails to annoy me .

"Ohh , I've seen her . Isn't she the cute girl with ---"

"Control you fucking tongue" I grit my teeth clenching my fist.

"Woah calm down , I just said she's cute which she actually is , not that I'll do anything" he steps closer trying to intimidate me "or maybe not"

"This is the last time you talk about my sister because next time I'll rip your tongue out and tie you with it Go practice for the championship or shivay will beat your ass , you dickhead . Now Get out of my way"

His face , his name and he irritates the shit out of me . I don't know why . I can tolerate Abhimanyu and Shivay for once but not him because he's good for nothing.

"See you around Hunter"

"Watch your fucking back before you see me around"

When I stop in front of ishani's class , she's at the very last bench and sleeping while other students are making shit loads of noise. I bet if she's asked to chose one thing she'll do for rest of her life , she'll pick sleeping.
I take a picture of her to blackmail her later and take the other exit to get out of this building but when I pass from front of an auditorium, my feet come to a hault .

A canorous voice gets into my ears and I automatically head inside. The auditorium is dark with lights only at the stage. Some girls and guys stand in the audience area looking down at the stage .

I narrow my eyes to make out her face but she has ducked her head down , her eyes focused on the black coloured guitar in her delicate hands . Her cut short hair cover most of her features as she sings in her euphonious voice . Placing my hands on the railing I lean closer .

"Who is she" I ask a guy standing near me .

"Hey , kavish " he shakes a hand with me . He's the director's son and I know him.

" she's kainaat"

I tilt my head to the side looking at her as the guy continues " kainaat Raisinghania, Devansh's Fiance"
Like a Bullet straight to my heart his words peirce my soul.

I get away from the railing and head out of the auditorium.

"Amazing Kai" a girl cheering her up is the last thing I hear. DEVANSH ?

Now dickheads get girls like her and despite being engaged he's playing around . The girl clearly needs to open her senses and know her worth or maybe she's like him too .

Who knows , these elite kids can do anything .

"Kavish" I hear Ishani rushing out of the building behind me .

"You're up" I smile but she speaks "hardly ,can we wait for kai, she's just coming"

"No " I wrap and arm around my sister and tell her " stay away from the Elites .

"But why, she's my friend"

" and she's someone's finace who is not a good man" the words taste bitter on my tongue. I hate that guy .

"But please , I told her I'll wait"

"She'll find her way" I take ishani with me and after asking her all about her schedule , what she eats and everything else , I leave DEU campus.

Even after coming so far away from there , that voice just won't stop ringing in my ears .

I type her name on the search bar kainaat Raisinghania but then delete it.

"I have better things to do " I get up and head downstairs to find Archit and Zain bickering about the championship .

"Who is competing in singing from our side ?" Zain questions looking at the list on his laptop .

"There are a few girls and guys" I fall on the couch near Archit who now speaks up " I heard their side is so damn good . Nobody can beat the Elites"

"We will" I deadpan.

"But there's a girl " Zain bites an apple "What's her name "

"Doesn't matter " I say but he continues "Nobody can beat her among all three universities, it's her first time but I've heard she's so good . Nothing can match her level . So that one medal isn't coming this side at all"

"That's your misconception " I get up "now there is no way she'll be wining because I won't let her. "


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