9. Kainaat

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I'm sure this is the first time I'm getting this feeling . In fact , For the whole day today I've been getting it but right now it is at its peak. My head is numb, oblivious to the surroundings . My stomach is warm inside and twisting as butterflies whirl inside it . My heart is like a drum going thump , thump , thump with every inch kavish's gaze travels on my body right now . Although he didn't step closer untill now but I'm sure he will .

"Don't " I say and his gaze drops to my bag which has my clothes inside .

"You're about to change"

"It has nothing to do with you"

"But I'm here to see" he smirks sitting on the bench across the room.

"Shut up before I tell ishani that her brother is inside the girls locker "

"And how are you gonna do that sweetheart " he takes out a phone from his pocket which is....my phone ?

Shit , I forgot it inside the dance room .

"Do you always get cornered that easily" his face tenses a bit.

"Apparently a lot of people know how to take advantage and shit " I cross my arms in front of my chest "and for your information I can tell her later "

"Firslty I wonder what is she gonna do if you tell her " he chuckles "secondly , if we are at it " he takes another step towards me.

"The blackmailing is gonna be so fun sweetheart"
I don't know if he knows it or not but That word from his mouth is killing me .

"You have nothing to blackmail me " I deadpan and within a second he is an inch away from my mouth when he whispers "your dad runs a law firm right ? 40% of its shares were bought by solankis ten years back , luck by chance but last night twenty of your other shareholders sold us their shares so now we have 60% ." He smirks.

Ofcourse Ishani's dad can do that . He's a freaking mafia lord and this man in front of me is his only Heir. As per Ishani her dad listens to whatever kavish says.

"And " he takes a threatening pause "a certain fucker who tops my hit-list right now" he clenches his jaw "I swear I can tear him from the center in front of thousands of people and nobody will say a word . I know forever you've thought that that guy is dangerous but trust me kainaat he's nothing compared to the mafia Demon who loves you more than anything "

My heart sinks , don't know if it's due to surprise , shock, fear or all of them .

"Don't do anything to my dad"

"Ohh no sweetheart, fuck no . Anything ? I'm gonna rip his fucking soul out of his body . You know why ?" He holds my chin in his palm making me look up while my chest rises and falls with apprehension. His other hand slightly touches my thigh before he intertwines the fingers of his hand with mine and brings up in front of my face .

"Because of this"

My engagement ring .

"But he --"

"Made a deal " he clenches his jaw .

"It was with my consent"

"And you were a fucking child " he gets angry for the first time which rings a bell in my mind . Me siding with others ? He hates it even if others means my parents.

"No kavish " I stop in the middle of the sentence as his complete focus is on what I'm gonna say next "I'll-- I'll do whatever you say "

And a smirk comes on his face making him look cute .

Shut up kainaat shut up for God's sake .

He cups my face with both his hands making me look into his eyes "no matter what anyone else tells you " his eyes drill holes into my face and the possessiveness with which he talks to me as if I've always belonged to him is dangerous . It's petrifying me.

"You belong to me sweatheart ."

No I don't, I don't belong to a mafia lord . I never will .

His hand goes to the back and the thing he takes out makes my eyes double up the size. It's a matt black pistol , loaded and ready to kill .

It's my first time seeing a gun so close . Devansh and the boys with him keep weapons because they need to compete with mafias but this guy right in front of me has been playing with guns since his childhood . Ishani says they possess a manufacturing complex where weapons are made but still her dad imports some weapons .

"My first gift to you is something you can protect yourself with "

"I don't n-need t-that kind of protection " I'm so damn afraid, what if he pulls the trigger by mistake ?

My eyes land at the side of the gun where his name is embedded . It's a customized gun ? Amazing , hats off kainaat . Running from a toxic fiance, you land into a mafia lord's arms ? One who gifts you a gun with his name on it ?

Fuck my life.

"Keep it away" I push it with a finger and he's amused to see how the gun scares the shit out of me .

He does something so fast I can not even see clearly and now on his left hand there are bullets .

"How did you do that " I look at his hand carefully as he loads one bullet back into the gun , now slower.

"Easy?" He asks "you need practice to do it faster " ishani never learnt it, no matter how much I and dad forced her . She knows the concept but she has never practiced ."

I pick a bullet from his palm and repeat the process as fast as I can . He raises his brows as I load the gun.

"That's so damn sexy" he throws his head back amused.

"You have dangerous likings" I observe the gun carefully and wonder how do they keep such a heavy object with them everytime . I've seem them keep three at once .

"That's yours now"

There is something I figured out just now and I consider myself super smart for that . He says he can hurt dev if he wants but he's not doing that because dying is less hurtful than breaking ego . He's breaking his ego .
Does that mean he's using me ? Would he buy my dad's firm whose one share is worth crores just for the sake of sick games? Who knows.

"Let me go" I sidestep him but he grabs my waist and pins me back to the wall.

"And who said you could leave?"

My spine jerks straight as chills run down my body . I gulp the lump in my throat as he holds my chin with a thumb and forefinger to lift it up slightly and his lips touch mine . I pull back but butterflies dance in my stomach.

"That's not an option sweetheart" he grabs my nape and pulls me towards him this time parting his lips to kiss me . His hands travel on my hips before he yanks me towards him . My lower body crashes onto his making it more intimate. For a while I forget where I am and the first kiss of my life sways me off the ground . I dig my nails into his white shirt and shiver under his hold but not for once I feel unsafe untill he pulls away and whispers into my ear .

"I love you kainaat and from here on you, your body and your soul belong to kavish solanki but if I see you around someone else , I swear upon my demons sweetheart I'm gonna show him what hell really looks like ."


I just wanna tell kainaat that oh darling, he knows exactly what he's doing.

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