22. Kainaat

916 39 6

Warning -: 🔞

People around me are happy or at least they pretend to be happy but I can't even do that . Sitting on a chair near the bar I keep my eyes fixed at the dance floor where all my friends dance .
I miss him . Really do.

I get engaged to a guy who cheats on me and breaks me then I fall for another guy who breaks my dreams and here I sit at University's party dressed like a princess.

For once I really thought he was the one when it was his strength that made me punch Dev and breakup with him officially but I can't still believe he broke my dreams.
My body freezes and I turn hyper aware of my surroundings when suddenly kavish sits next to me. I hate my body reacts like this to him when it shouldn't.  I hate I want to say something to him when I shouldn't. After when he broke my dreams I cried so hard for him as if someone had ripped my heart out of my chest .
All of a sudden a guy smiles at me but kavish places his thigh over mine protectively.  I get up and walk away while he keeps following me like a stalker .

"What do you want" I ask once we are inside the building .

"You know it and if you don't,  remember the first word I said in this sentence "

"Didn't I make it clear last time"

He takes a step forward and I back off " and I've made it clear so many times sweatheart . Do I care ? Absolutely not ."

"You've gone mad" I say and he smirks "at least I don't lie about my love. I don't stalk you on insta and then lie that I don't care"

Shit , how does he know?


"Lie again sweetheart and I fuck you right now right here "

"Fuck no , do that after I leave" I turn around and it's kiaan Raghuvanshi who walks in . Okay I haven't seen him in person earlier , just very away I got a glance of him once during the championship. His dressing style too screams that he's The Most famous kiaan Raghuvanshi, Satan's Heir.

He takes out a white coloured IPhone with Golden frame and plays a video in front of my face . A very badly beaten group of professors cry in front of the camera saying it was all planned by Shivay .

"That's coercion "

"How about this" he swipes to the next where shivay sits in front of the Director with the same suitcase in his hand .

He hands his phone to kavish who swipes the next picture where Devansh smirks standing near the stage when the result was announced . In another one Shivay and Devansh walk through the corridor with that bag.

It was not kavish!!!!!!

Thank you God, thank you so much . It wasn't him. Ishani was right.

I look at his face with teary eyes and I'm about to hug him when kiaan snaps "wait" he steps back "not untill I'm gone"
Kavish laughs rubbing his forhead when kiaan strolls out of the building .

This time when I'm about to hug him he steps back .

"You trust me now ?"

I nod and speak "I'm sorry Avi . I'm so dumb"

He smiles and I hug him "you are dumb for making me wait for so long" he holds me tight . "But I love you"

"I lo--"

Kiaan's phone vibrates ruining everything .

"Ohh wait I'll return his phone" he speaks and strolls outside while I follow him . I wait near the pool for him and soon he comes back . Seeing him approach near my heart skips a beat but suddenly Devansh comes out of nowhere in front of me .

"Can we talk"



Kavish grabs my wrist and Devansh's face turns red with fury. He's about to take me back inside but I say "Avi" and he looks back at me .

"I love you , I love you so much . Please never leave me"
He smiles in the most adorable manner and cups my face . I go on my toes and kiss him .

He seems shocked. Ohh I wanted to do that for so long .

"Fuck the world" he utters and picks me up . This time he strolls outside where his car is parked . Finally I know where my future lies . It's him , my mafia Demon. 

He puts me down near the car and kisses me . I missed that kiss and probably it's the first time I'm not guilty or regretful about kissing him . He grabs my waist and pulls me close as his hands roam over my hips . We get inside the car's back seat and I can only see his gorgeous face in very little light .

He grabs the hem of my dress saying "sweatheart I'm sorry but I can't wait more"

"don't be" my cheeks heat up "I'm ready"

He grabs my nape and kisses me everywhere near the neck while his hands unzip my dress . He removes the straps from my shoulders . I let the dress slide and he really looks into my eyes with so much love before he looks at my naked body .

"You trust me "

"Ofcourse I do" I smile "I'm sorry I d-didin't earlier"

He removes his t-shirt and soon is on top of me "sweatheart you have no idea how much I want this"

"I swear I do too"

He literally sucks life out of me and kavish touching me has always been like electric shocks but today it's hundred times to what I've experienced earlier . Today it will not end with guilt . I'll be happy . I can kiss him, I can love him and I can call him mine .

Putting his arms under me , he makes me sit on his lap where our bodies touch each other in every way possible . I place my hands on his shoulders while he holds my waist to keep me close as he kisses my chest . I squeeze my eyes shut experiencing the best night of my life . The best feeling of my life . After this I will die without him, I swear .

He slowly picks me up and I hold his head pinned to my chest when he goes all the way inside of me .

He grunts and I press my lips together. I feel so little in front of him . The way he has always been protective about me , he's dominant and he keeps me safe has always made me feel like a kid . He's the type of man I needed but I never knew .

I think he's afraid my head will hit the roof so he goes very slow or maybe he thinks it's hurting because my eyes are completely red . Yes it hurts but I like it .

"I won't get hurt" I whisper in his ear when he says back "don't worry I won't ever let you"

That makes me smile as I let my head fall on his shoulder and he directs my body at a faster pace than earlier .

"I'm-- Avi I---I " bright white light flashes in my closed eyes and my body jerks with the last time he pulls out of me . I drip all over him but he hugs me .

"I love you" he kisses my shoulder and I wrap my arms around his neck .

"Keep saying that , It feels good"


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