{Chapter Seventeen:Explanation & Thankful News}

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Samuel's Pov                 
I'm sitting at my desk looking at Artoria who looks at me with her eyes wide....
Artoria:*Wide Eyed/Confused*W-What do you mean exactly?
Me:Hmm....sit down and we'll explain everything.
[Some Automatrons bring some chairs over and everyone sits down.....]
Kaznak:Shall I begin my Lord?(I nod)Well then Artoria(She looks at him)we come from a world known as Nirn,which(He snaps his fingers using tonal manipulation from the sound to generate a projection of the world stunning her)exists alongside this one,in our their many races which exist alongside one another.Their are also multiple Deities,broken up into two separate groups known as The Divines & The Daedra Princes.The Daedra are deities more akin to what you were to refer to as demonic entities tho not all of them are malicious.Where as the Divines are more along the line of what you would associate a God with.Long ago Samuel's ancestor named Saint Alessia was blessed by the Dragon God Time Akatosh also known as the Chief God of Eight Divines.Akatosh hailed as the Father of All Dragons blessed Lady Alessia with the soul of a Dovah or Dragon in our tongue.Which allows them to speak in the language of the Dragons of our world.
Artoria:*Confused/Processing*I assume that's the power you possess?
Me:Correct,Saint Alessia would go onto free the human races from our from the Ayleids,Ariel's people.(She's surprised and looks at her)You see the majority of ayleids had enslaved the human races.Tho make no mistake not all ayleids took part,Ariel's family were against the practice.But in any case Saint Alessia would go on to use her power,her thu'um as it's called,to fight the ayleids while Ariel's family went into hiding to avoid the fighting....Later on after she had won,she established what would come be known as the first cyrodilic empire.
Revan:And then jumping forward in time another one of Samuel's Ancestors known as TIber Septim would go on to conquer all of Tamriel which was essentially the known part of the world.The empire he would create would go on to be known as the 'Septim Empire' and after his death Tiber Septim would ascend to Divinity becoming the Ninth Divine,the Hero-God of Might, Honor, State, Law, and Man.
[She looks stunned]
Ramon:However,a group known as the 'Mythic Dawn' who were followers of the Daedric God of Destruction would go onto begin targeting the royal family.With them assassinating Lord Samuel's Uncle Uriel Septim the VIII,his father Lord Gabriel Septim would entrust him to Myself,Kaznak,and Revan.Kaznak suggested we go to another world,which Lord Gabriel accepted and shortly after he entrusted Lord Samuel's to us he was killed alongside his wife Lady Astaa.(Artoria look at me sadden as I look to the side)Deciding it was time we travelled here where shortly after Kaznak made contact with a God named 'Buddha' who had sensed us.He and Kaznak got along pretty well and Kaznak would go on to explain about us.Lord Buddha understood and agreed ta keep our origins ah secret,he also went on to explain about this world.
[Artoria looks at him amazed and stunned by this]
Me:Artoria(She looks at me)I ask that you don't tell anyone about this until we're ready to reveal it okay.
Artoria:*Stunned*Y-Yes...I understand....but wait(We all look at her)if Samuel's Father entrusted him to you,Kaznak,and Ramon then why are Elizabeth,Ariel,and Mira here?
[Each of us blush slightly and the three of them smile]
Revan:*Smiles*Well Lord Samuel had grown close to the three of them and developed crushes on each of them,so he was quite adamant that they come with us.
[She's surprised and looks at us,we look away]
Artoria:...Okay....but how was Revan able to learn to use the ....Thu'um.
[I nod]
Me:Well it is possible for people to learn how to use the Thu'um,but it is far harder and involves serious training and worship of the Divines from our world.Revan himself spent over half ah century training in the Way of Voice.
[She's stunned and looks at him]
Revan:I'm actually 126 years old(She's shocked)and it is true I spent the majority of my life practicing the Thu'um.
[She seems stunned by this]

Timeskip a Few Days                
It's been a few days since Artoria has joined us,she as well as Xenovia have both begun attending school with us.Tho the filthy vermin begun lusting after them immediately,I put my foot down on them.....or more specifically onto their throats and told them to leave them alone.In any case Ramon has begun sparring with Artoria and according to him,Artoria is incredibly skilled which was evident to me after our spar.We also learned she possesses another sword which is far more powerful than the sword she calls 'Caliburn'.She's also been learning more about our world from Kaznak & Revan and was extremely surprised hearing about the various races of Tamriel as well as my mother's bloodline dating back to the Ysgramor.Right now tho I'm sitting in class with everyone,both Artoria and Xenovia are in our class. As we're sitting their the bell rings,we all stand up and begin leaving.We walk out of with us talking about the homework we have,we soon head into the ORC Clubhouse and arrive at in the clubroom where we see Sirzechs & Grayfia.....
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Ah Samuel we were just asking about you.
Me:What did you need Sirzechs?
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Well we came here to deliver these.
[A magic circle appears and a large bag comes thru,I raise a eyebrow and Mira opens it revealing it's full of letters]
Me:*Raised Eyebrow*May I ask who these are from?
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Well do you recall the 'Potions of Mara' you've sold to the Devil Faction?(I nod and understand what they are now)These are thank you letters from those who have bought them.
Me:*Smiles*I take it that the potion served their purpose then?
[He nods happily]
Asia:*Tilts Head*What purpose?
Elizabeth:*Smiles*The potions of Mara are potions to increase a person's stamina and fertility.(Their surprised)I assume this means that many couples are expecting now correct Lord Lucifer?
[Everyone's surprised except those that knew what the potions did]
Sirzechs:*Smiles*Yes actually....in fact(He looks at Rias)Father and Mother are among those that are.
[We're all surprised]
Rias:*Surprised/Shocked*Mother's pregnant?!
[Sirzechs nods smiling,Rias smiles widely and cheers]
Grayfia:*Smiles*Lord Ajuka's Wife is also expecting(We're surprised again)also.....
[Sirzechs nods and takes her hand]
Sirzechs:We are as well.
[Rias lets out a high-pitch squeal of excitement & Happiness before rushing over and hugging them both.I smile and go over to them putting my hand out Sirzechs shakes it]
Me:Congratulations to both of you,your parents,Ajuka and his wife,as well as all of the other couples who are expecting.
Sirzechs:*Smiling*It wouldn't of been possible without your potions Samuel,they've given the Devil race a real chance at rebuilding our numbers.
Me:*Smiles*Glad we could help.
[He smiles and nods hugging Rias & Grayfia...]

To Be Continued............

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