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TW! Sharp objects and Blood!let me know if I missed anything to put here


(Camilo's POV)

I couldn't sleep. I kept hearing noises in everyone's room, sort of like a loud thud. Now I hear footsteps, it might just be Mami checking up on Antonio. Maybe I'll go get some water.

As soon as I walked out of my room, I saw someone go into Dolores' room. "She probably just went to get water" I thought as I continued walking down to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass, when I heard something or someone shift .

"Dolores?....This isn't funny" I whisper-yelled, not getting a response. "If you and someone else are trying to prank me, I'm not in the mood right now!" I began to step backwards in attempt to go back to my room, then I heard shifting again.

"I said this isn't funny" I grabbed a flashlight to check who was there, but then I felt a gust of wind behind me.

" opened window. My bad.." "huh?" I saw an opened diary on the floor.
"Oooh someone left their diary on the floor, it would be a shame if a few pages" I said mischievously. I picked up the diary and began to read the following:

June 18, 2023

Today is the day the Madrigals come. Today is the day I will finally become all powerful.

They just arrived, I told them my name was Jaime and this small child tried to befriend me. I'll take him down there first. I gave them a chance to back out by telling them this ride was dangerous but I don't think they took it as a warning. Oh well.

I don't think they suspect anything about the base underwater. I covered the exterior of it with some sea weed and light blue paint, but I doubt they will see it. The water isn't very clear. Two of the girls noticed it but luckily they thought it was just current, ha, fools.

About tonight, I think while they sleep, I'm going to take them to the base, but I have to act fast. I don't want anyone waking up. Now, for the order to take them.

First I'll take the smallest kid, I forgot his name already, then I'll take the mother and father of his. Then, the dead looking guy, I think his name was Ben or Bruno, honestly I don't care. After him I'll finish up with the adults.

Then I'll move to the rest of the grandchildren. I'll start with the girl with the long silky hair, then the girl with green glasses. After those two I'll take the girl with the bun and the kid who won't shut up about going to the stupid playground. And then the girl with the boot and lastly the really strong girl, those two will be last because they will be the hardest to take to the base.

It's been a couple of hours and I have had the opportunity to spend time with this family. I kind of feel bad about this. No, I have to do this, I need to do this for her. UGH why do I feel like this. I have to go with the plan.

Well, perhaps I could give some leeway. Yes, I'll give them a chance. I'll let them chose someone in the base to-

I paused reading when I realized, the person going into Dolores' room wasn't Dolores herself. It was him, which meant I was next. I prepared myself with the glass I was drinking water out of and my flashlight. Not exactly the best things to defend myself with, but I didn't want to go to this base or whatever it was.

I waiting a while for someone to appear. But no one did. So I attempted to continue reading.

I turned around to grab the diary, but it was gone. "Shit" I whispered. Now I'll never know what's going to happen to me and my family.

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