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A/N: This is where things start getting really weird and don't really make sense, but I'm trying to make it, make sense.
Bare with me 🤡( remember this was a dream. Dreams are weird 👺blame my head for this weird stuff 🤺)

TW!: blood, sharp objects, gore, and death! Let me know if I missed anything that I need to put here
(Dolores' POV)
Camilo was dead.
Out of nowhere a bunch of sharp arrows shot at him while the cord extracted....something. I don't have a clue what it is, but my brother was just killed in front of me.

Everyone was in shock.
One family member was dead and another was fatally injured.
We stood there frozen for a bit until the man continued
"Familia, you have touched a place in my heart which is why I am giving you a chance. You all must choose a family member to live. Why? Because everyone besides that family member is going to die and they must find everyone's souls"

Bruno raised his hand
"You may speak"
"How is this going to work exactly" he said trembling.
"As you saw demonstrated by Camilo, when you die that medical cord will extract your magic and then your souls. Right now, to Camilo, he's asleep but when he wakes up he won't be himself. The same will happen to you all. When you wake up you will be in the place where your best memories with this family member were and you will look different. The family member of your choice will have to find you and if they do, you will get your soul back. Here are some things you will need to know:
1. If you see this family member you are not allowed to talk to them unless they talk to you
2. There is a time limit of 5 days.
3. Over time you will begin to forget who you were and who this family member was.
4. Nobody has there gifts until all souls are retrieved .
And 5. Everybody's souls need to be found
Any questions?"

"Why are you doing this?" Julieta asks
"Because I need all of your gifts"
"Why though" Mirabel further asks
"That's not important.
"So essentially we are being reincarnated?" Luisa says
"Yes, now who are you all going to pick to live" the man finished

We all sat there deep in thought, unsure of who to pick. "Maybe we should pick Mirabel, she knows a lot about everyone, right?" Papa suggests. "Not really I don't even know where your favorite memory with me was" Mirabel says, emphasizing the word 'your'.
"How about Estrella?" Mama says. "But she's unconscious! She doesn't know what to do!" Abuela states.
"If you do pick her, I will inform her on what to do when she wakes up" the man reassures
"I say we pick Estrella, she's the only grandchild who has really strong bonds with most of the adults and children." Agustin adds "Plus she knows three languages which could be super useful"

"But she's in a boot!" Abuela continues to argue.

I know Estrella is very capable of doing this, I'm sure of it, but Abuela does make a good point.

"She'll be fine, her leg won't be fully functional until a while, but I've seen her be so strong even though she's going through a lot of pain" Julieta argues back.

We all look at her shockingly. We know the relationship she has with her daughter so it took us by surprise. It was odd but also wholesome.

But we need to focus.

"Ok everyone, I know this is a wholesome moment but incase you forgot Cami's dead, Isabela's fatally injured and we're next so we need to pick" I remind them

"So it's safe to say Estrella right?"

Everyone agrees and the man announces that it's time.
Before I could even blink I felt the worst pain imaginable while hearing the screams of my family as everything went blank. Hopefully Estrella can find us, or we will all be doomed.
(Estrella's POV)

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