Chapter 44

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*Alice's POV*

Today is the day of the engagement party. Brendon invited his friends & family. I did the same. He invited his parents & I invited mine. Hopefully we could all get along.

We were having it at Dallon's house since it was way bigger than Brendon's. Don't get me wrong, I love his small home. But I prefer a bigger house for parties.

I put on my white converse & met Brendon outside. People were already at the party. I'm meeting Jessie there. She finally drove her. I'm so excited to see her!


I knocked on the door & Dallon let us both in. I held Brendon's hand as we walked in. I saw Jessie on the couch socializing with Breezy. Once they saw me, they both ran to me & bear hugged me.

" It's so good to see you!" Jessie said.

" You too. I missed you so much," I smiled.

" You look great, Alice," Breezy smiled.

" Thank you!"

I wonder when my parents are gonna be here.

*Brendon's POV*

I left Alice with Jessie & Breezy. I found my parents in the kitchen. " Hi mom! Hi dad!" I said hugging both of them.

" Boyd! I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?" My mom, Grace, asked.

" I'm good. You need to meet my fiancé!" I smiled.

" Yes yes. Take me to her."

" I'm so proud. My son found another girl. Let's hope that she's worth it," my dad, Boyd, said.

" Oh trust me, she is."

I led them over to the living room where Alice, Breezy & Jessie were. They were chatting about something. Alice looked at me then at my parents. A smile formed on her face. She got up from the couch & walked over to us.

" Hi babe. Meet my parents! This is my dad Boyd & my mom Grace," I said.

She put her hand out for them to shake it. " Hi Mr. & Mrs. Urie! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Alice Jenson!" She said cheerfully. My mother shook her hand & my father was next.

" Why hello to you Alice. Very nice to meet you," Grace said. " You're beautiful!"

" Oh erm, thank you Mrs. Urie. You're beautiful as well," she blushed.

" Aww Brendon! She's just adorable!" Grace clung onto my arm.

" Tell us about yourself," Boyd said.

We all sat down on the couch next to Breezy & Jessie who were having their own conversation.

*Alice's POV*

" You're such an interesting girl!" Grace said. She turned over to Brendon. " You chose a good one," she winked.

" Haha, thanks Mrs. Urie!" I smiled.

" So you're a writer?" Boyd asked.

" Well I've been writing stories of my own for quite awhile. Mostly on my free time. I haven't wrote in awhile though."

" Hmm, interesting. How far have you gotten in your most recent one?" Boyd asked.

" Just a few chapters-"

" Wait a second! Chapters?! That's pretty far for me already! Well, I'm not much of a reader but you should show me sometime, dear," he smiled.

" I will if I finish!"

Few minutes later & I noticed my parents finally arrive at the party. " I'll be back," I said. Oh my, I really wanted to make a Terminator reference, but now is not the time. I walked over to my parents who were looking around the house.

" Mom! Dad!" I said as I hugged them both.

" Alice! My baby! I'm so happy for you!" My mother, Lina, said. She kissed my forehead.

" My baby girl is getting married! I'm so excited. Let me meet this lover of yours," my dad, James, said. I chuckled. I led them over to Brendon & his parents.

My parents caught Grace & Boyd. They immediately started socializing. Brendon & I left them all together.

A/N: Last day of school was today!!! Most likely, more updates will happen during the day. Lots & lots of updates lol. More free time=more updates. Enjoy!

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