Chapter 2

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Early in the morning, Seok Kyung left the Penthouse and went to the school where she practiced her voice. After finishing preparations for a short time, Seok-gyeong walked down the corridor to the classroom until she heard Rona's voice, she looked around for a source, where is she? She then spotted her in another class exercising. Eun Bel soon joined Seok-kyung. Seok Kyung looked at Eun Byul with a smile and said:

-Do you mind teaching her a lesson?-" she asked Eun Byel

-Of course you don't mind-" Eun Byul replied smiling.

The two went into the classroom where Rona was standing and stood behind her

-Do you think you can win?

Rona turned around recognizing Seok Kyung's voice and frowned

-Don't look like that. I'm scared... - Seok Kyung whispered with a smile

-What do you need? Go away-, Rona said firmly, looking at them directly

-Just look at her Seok-Kyung... She became so brave...

-That she started dating my brother and became brave? Do you think you can last that long?

-At least I'm not like you.

- Wow, what are we? Seok-kyung, what are we?-, Eun-Bel asked, making a miserable look,

-Well, say something...

- You two pathetic. You two so pathetic that you think you have the whole world under your feet-, Rona says, making Seok Kyung and Eun Byul glare at them.
-I'm so sick of you, how can you live such a life...

-Shut up!-, screamed Seok Kyung and slapped Rona by grabbing her right hand


-Seok Hoon...-, Eun Byul looked around before saying his name.

Seok Hoon angrily approached Seok Kyung who was staring at him and hit him just like she hit Rona.

-How dare you raise your hand to Rona?-, Seok Hoon asked angrily while looking at his sister

-Did you just hit me?!-, with wide eyes, Seok Kyung plumped her head directly while looking at her brother

-HO DARE TO HIT ME!!?-, Seok Kyung shouted grabbing his collar. He grabbed Seok Kyung's hands that grabbed his collar and lowered them

-You hit Rona, so why can't I hit you? Why are you worse than her?

-YOU COMPARE ME TO THIS?!-, Seok Kyung angrily pointed her finger at Rona while looking at her

-She's not "This"! She has a name. Stop treating her like that. Next time I won't forgive you for that, like now. Understood?-, having said this, Seok Hoon approached Rona and, taking her by the hand, took her portitry and left with her.

Eun Byul looked at Seok Kyung who blushed with anger, her eyes also turned red, she could not even think that her brother would hit her because of Rona, she hated it...

"Seok Kyung are you okay?"-, asked Eun Byul, taking her by the shoulder.

"Back off"-, Seok Kyung said firmly and angrily left the office.


The bell rang and teacher Cheon entered the classroom, which means it's time to prepare for victory.

She invited Rona first, who sang very well.

Eun Byul was next. Having sung the selected composition with a good result, the girl happily returned to her seat.

The last one was Seok-gyeong. Through training, she performed well in the song chosen by Seo Jin. She smiled and then returned to her seat.

—All compositions were good. But, I chose...-, said part of the sentence, she fell silent as if hesitating, -Joo Suk Kyung...-, Teacher Cheon Seo Jin said looking at her. Seok Kyung smiled proudly

~10 hours ago~

After having dinner, Suk Kyung went to her father's office

—What do you need?

—Dad, as I said tomorrow Cheon Seo Jin's teacher will choose the one who will be the soloist, and it was seen that despite my vote, she will choose Ha Eun Byul as the soprana. Dad, can you help me? I really want to solo...

—So you need help...


—From today, we will start practicing happily. Seok Kyung come over here-, Teacher Cheong called her to rehearse. Seok Kyung proudly approached with a smile.

—The composition "Sempre Libera" will be performed at the ceremony.

After Teacher announced the composition, on the pages of her score, Seok-kyung opened the page with the composition "Sempre Libera"

After a few minutes, everything was prepared, the mezzo-soprano, orchestra, pionist were all in their places. From minute to minute, a melody began to play and Seok Kyung began to sing.

Semper libera degg'io
Folleggiare di gioia in gioia...
Vo'che scorra il viver mio
Pei sentieri del piacer...

Seok Kyung's voice was interrupted by the voice of Teacher Cheon

—Seok Kyung stop

—What's happened?

—Seok Kyung, the composition requires a more gentle voice, I'm not saying that your voice is not suitable, on the contrary, your voice is good, but you should lower the tempo. Today stay after the lessons to Teacher Ma.

Staying for another boring class of Master Ma was too terrible for Seok Kyung, so she tried not to show her displeasure even though she was seething inside, after all, after the lessons she had to stay even though she wanted to leave with every fiber of her soul


Back at the Penthouse after boring lessons, Seok Kyung went to the room where she saw that Seok Hoon was missing. She snorted, thinking that he was somewhere with Rona again.

After changing, she left the room, hoping to find someone who would tell her where her brother was

—Oh, Seok Kyung, you are back, Seok Hoon said that you will be the soloist at the ceremony, congratulations. You were at the extra class with Teacher Ma, how was the extra class?

—Fine. I still need to practice my timbre.Where is Seok Hoon? Has he gone somewhere?

—He said he was going out with Rona.

"I knew it..." Seok Kyung thought before saying
- Mom, can you cook something not greasy? While you're cooking, I'll rest for a while, okay?

- Alright, Seok Kyung, I'll cook you a low fat dinner, take it easy...


Later in the evening, Seok Kyung turned to her mother with another request, she asked to buy a dress for the ceremony, since Su Ryong could not refuse her, soon in Seok's wardrobe Gyong to appear a new dress.

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