Chapter 8

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~3 days later~

~At the Cheon Ah School of the Arts~

In the assembly hall, Cheon Seo Jin gathered all the students who participated in the Cheon Festival.

-Teacher, why did you gather us?-, asked Seok Kyung with an outrageous tone.

-Let's listen to what she has to say first-, Seok Hoon answered her, to which she rolled her eyes.

-I plan to hold an audition. The Cheon Festival was not completed fairly. In which Joo Suk Kyung won. I thought that this victory should not be calculated, because everyone should participate. - Cheon Seo Jin, who desperately did not want to leave the trophy in the hands of Ju Suk Kyung, tried to get out of it, no matter who wins Ron or who else. The main thing is Ne Ju Seok Kyung, she thought.

-It's also impossible. I deserve to win the trophy. So what's the problem? I worked day and night for this!?

-Calm down-, Seok Hoon said, forcing her to look at him.

-Rona also worked for Seok Kyung. Not only you, we all worked! -Jenny shouted

-Hey, Yu Jenny, who are you yelling at? A? What about me?

-Who else besides you is indignant? Why are you afraid of losing? Seok Kyung, we both know that you would never have won if you had sung Rona that day-" Ha Eun Byul joined in. After which Seok Kyung looked at her with a deadly look

-Everyone calmed down! What have you done here?! You will quarrel outside the school, understand?! As I said, there will be an audition.

-Teacher! I'm against it. Everyone turned to hear the voice; the owner was Bae Rona. She stood at the end of the crowd

-What else?- Seok Kyung frowned

-I am against listening. I'm not against Seok Kyung keeping the trophy. Besides, the Festival has already passed. It makes no sense to renew it again. I ask you to reconsider the whole decision Teacher...

-What are you Rona? You can not do it this way. We all know that you would have won if you had participated.

-Seok Kyung deserves to win it, I don't see the point in it. Even if you resume listening, I still won't be able to sing now because I've damaged my vocal cord areas. Still, that doesn't mean I can't sing anymore. I will sing. But I won't audition for this.

-In this case, I believe that the trophy should return to its premature place. To Teacher Cheon.-, Seok Hoon added

-I think so too!³-, having said this to Jenny, Min Hyuk and Eun Byul raised their hands, like the others. Cheon Seo Jin was happy in her heart. She grinned and nodded

-Okay then. Let's do this. I will send my secretary to get Seok Kyung's trophy. You agree to return him to me, right?- with shining eyes and a smile on her face, Seo Jin looked at Seok Kyung, who could barely contain her anger.

-There is no need.- said Seok Hoon and walked away behind the stage. Then he returned with a trophy in his hands. Seok Kyung Trophy.

-What is this? Did you bring him here without my permission?-, the owner of the trophy widened her eyes when she saw her prize in her brother's hands.

-I'm returning her to the true owner-, Seok Hoon answered, handing him over to Teacher Cheon. Dissatisfied with her brother's action, Seok Kyung angrily left the hall.

~4 hours later~

Seok Hoon returned to the Penthouse after walking with Rona and returned to the room where he saw that the floor of the room was empty. He went out and asked the maids where Seok Kyung's things were and where she was. Following the answer, he headed to the second floor and entered one of the rooms that were intended for guests. He was told that the room was now Joo Seok Kyung's property. He walked in and saw on the floor all the photos of himself and his sister together.

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