Chapter 7

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Coming off the stage, Eun Byul leaves in anger. Eun Byul was very angry. And because of Seok Kyung's threats, Seo Jin ordered Eun Byul to sing in a terrible way so as not to damage her reputation. But even then, Eun Byul's reputation would have deteriorated... She went up to the second floor where she drank water in the dining room. Then she went to the stairs. Standing on the 2nd floor, she saw Rona standing breathing fresh air, she looked tired from the heat in the hall.

Eun Byul gets down and goes outside, then stands behind Rona. As soon as Rona begins to prepare herself to return to the hall, Rona feels someone's hands behind her back.

They pushed her off the stairs. Rona, who screamed from fear, falls from the stairs

-Rona... -, Eun Byul spoke, sighing
-If I don't win... you won't win either. -, she says, turns around and leaves...




Searching the school grounds and that's it floors, Seok Kyung did not find Eun Byul, although she was recently at school about 10 minutes ago. For the last check there was a yard left. Having gone out into the street, she instantly screamed in shock...

She saw Rona covered in blood... Standing in a scab for a minute, Seok Kyung collected her thoughts and set off down the stairs with slow steps. She sat down and saw Rona's face covered in blood

"Rona?..."-, she muttered through shock. At her voice, Rona squeaked. She slowly opened her eyes and called name

-Seok Kyung... - she whispered Seok Kyung in shock did not know what to do until Rona spoke again

-Seok Kyung... help me... - the girl touched her hand who was holding the phone, and immediately Seok Kyung came to her senses. She had a phone in her hands, which meant that she had to call an ambulance.

-Rona, now, wait a minute, I'll call -, says Seok Kyung, getting to his feet and dialing the number, immediately dialing the desired number. Seok Kyung is waiting for an answer, but...

A moment later, she remembers what she didn't let her speak

-If you don't win this trophy, I will punish you very cruelly, since you were wrong, of course Seok Hoon will also receive punishment...
-I don't care if they kill me or beat me to death, I won't let this bastard beat my brother.. He protected me. Now it's my turn. I will protect him, in any way, even if I have to kill someone...

Seok Kyung remembers her father's words and the promise she made to herself to protect her brother and a lonely tear rolls from her eyes...

-Hello?? Is there anyone??

Seok Kyung returns back after hearing the 3rd attempt by the answering call to call her. Seok Kyung sighed and looked at Rona with deep regret in her eyes

-Sorry, I made a mistake with the number-, says Seok Kyung, after which the call immediately ends. She continues to look at Rona and tears roll down from her eyes

-Forgive me Rona...-, she pauses - I really wanted to help you... I'm sorry... But Seok Hoon means more to me than you...- , with these words she turns around and leaves, the tears that fell from her eyes disappear when she comes back, having entered through the threshold of the school, Seok Kyung looked back and sighed...


-The Cheon School trophy is awarded to the student...

-Joo Seok Kyung

Applause filled the hall, although there were those who were worried about Rona, since she did not appear on stage.

- We invite you to the stage, 12th grade student of Cheon Joo Seok Kyung Arts High School

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