Chapter 10

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~The Next Day~

The next morning, the family seemed happier than usual. They all ate breakfast together, although none of them said a word. This confused Soo Ryung, so she decided to spea

-Are you okay?-, she asked, putting down the fork and knife in her hands

-M. Yes. I think I'm fine. And what?-, nodded Seok Kyung,

-I don't mean it that way... You still look like you're in a quarrel. As I understand it, you have already made peace, haven't you?

-Yes, we made up-, answered Seok Hoon, looking first at Seok Kyung and then at Su Ryong. Su Ryong looked at them doubtfully

-Yes, we made peace. Do you want me to hug him right now? - Seok Kyung stood up

-I'm just worried about you. I want you to be together everywhere. God forbid we are separated, after yesterday I don't think Dan Tae will calm down.

-Don't worry, mom. I will always be by Seok Kyung's side, and I will protect her-, Seok Hoon answered, taking her hand

-Of course you are sweet, but we will be late if you continue like this.

-Yes, definitely go to school. After school, let's have dinner somewhere nice together?

-M, okay-, nodded Seok Hoon, getting up.

-Go faster-, said Seok Kyung, already leaving the Penthouse.

-Is she changing at all?-, asked Sok Hoon, looking at Soo Ryung. After which they both smiled

~Cheon Ah School of the Arts~

Together with Rona, Seok Hoon enters the classroom holding strawberry milk in his hands and approaches his sister's table

-Here you go. Have a drink, I was in the dining room and grabbed it for you too-, he said, placing the milk in front of Seok Kyung. She understands her head by looking at him

-It would be better if I bought a chocolate one-, she said, taking the milk in her hand, after which Seok Hoon looked at her intently as if he was waiting for her to say thank you anyway

-Seok Kyung-, Rona called and approached them

-Here you go. Take mine. It's chocolate, and I'll drink strawberry-, she said, pulling the chocolate milk towards her in her hands. Seok Kyung looked at her for about 5 seconds, but then she took the milk from her hands and leaned back in her chair

-Well, thank you-, she said, opening the milk. Rona smiled and sat down in her seat, leaving Seok Kyung with her brother

-Seok Kyung, you and Rona...

-I still don't see her as your girlfriend, but out of respect for you, I will tolerate it.

-I see your father's departure had a good effect on you

-Oh, go ahead already-, said Seok Kyung, turning away from him, drinking milk and holding the phone in her left hand.

-So guys, let's take our seats-, The teacher entered the class, forcing everyone to go to their places. Seok Hoon just grinned and walked towards his seat, after which he spoke to Rona

~Dinner time~

The twins and Soo Ryung were sitting together at an Restaurant where Seok Kyung was talking to her mother. Seok Hoon looked like he was waiting for someone, Seok Kyung, noticing this, moved away from her mother and poked him

-Who are you waiting for?

-Oh, Rona should have come.

-I asked to call her too-, Soo Ryung said smiling

-Rona? For what? Isn't this a family dinner?-, Seok Kyung asked, blinking. Rona came here too

-Hello. Hello Seok Kyung-, she came up

-Rona, you have come, sit down- Seok Hoon got up from his chair and moved the chair next to Rona so that Rona could sit down

-Thank you for callin- Rona smiled

-We have already made an order, Sok Hoon made it for you.

-Thank you.

After not a long time, their order was submitted.

-Rona, do you have anything to do? Aren't you preparing for exams?-, Seok Kyung asked smiling at her. Afterwards, Seok Hoon looked at her

-Seok Kyung...- he warned

-What? I didn't say anything bad

-Yes, Seok Kyung. I'm preparing for exams, but I don't know the word at all-, Rona smiled

-Seok Kyung, why aren't you eating?-, asked Soo Ryung, noticing that Seok Kyung's plate had not been touched. Seok Kyung looked at her mother and smiled

-I'll have indigestion, I'd rather just drink tea

-Do you have stomach problems? Why is that? - asked Rona

-It's better not to tell me, otherwise you'll lose your appetite... I'll get up. I'll be back soon, eat, don't pay attention to me.-, Seok Kyung stood up and Headed into the yard, outside, apologizing, Seok Hoon also stood up behind Seok Kyung. He followed in the footsteps of his sister

-Don't pay attention to Rona, I think Seok wants to say something to Seok Kyung- Soo Ryun spoke, taking Rona's hand

-No, everything is fine, they are brother and sister, I think they have something to talk about


-What? - asked Seok Kyung as soon as Seok Hoon smoothed her path

-I asked you to be polite

-That's what I do. Why don't you like everything? - asks Seok Kyung crossing his arms

-Anyway, you shouldn't have said that

-Seok Hoon brother, calm down, you actually should thank me, I didn't say why, but I could. Just relax. The girl there has been waiting for you. Let's go-,Having said this, Seok Kyung headed back to the table, pulling Seok Hoon with her

~That night~

-Seok Kyung....
-Seok Kyung, my daughter is like you....
-I missed you. Seok Kyung
-How could you do this to me? I have done so much for you, I am disappointed
-I will come for you. Joo. Seok. Kyung.

-No!-, shouted Seok Kyung, sitting down reflexively and holding her ears. A moment later, the light turned on and Seok Hoon and Soo Ryong burst into the room

-Seok Kyung! - they called her. Soo Ryung walked up to her and sat down next to her

-Seok Kyung, what happened? Did you have a dream? Are you sick?- Soo Ryung bombarded her with questions, and Seok Kyung was still silently crying

-Seok Kyung?- Sook Hoon called in confusion, also sitting down next to her. He reached out and grabbed Seok Kyung's hands, which were holding her head, squeezing her hair

-Someone was here, he was talking to me-, Seok Kyung said, widening her eyes

-Seok Kyung, but there's no one here... It was just a Dream, calm down...-, Soo Ryung hugged her and caressed her hair. Seok cried in her mother's arms, and Soo Ryung and Seok Hoon remained confused by this riddle, looking at each other...

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