Chapter 13 2 part (THE END)

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-"Forgive me”-, she said, closing her eyes before stepping forward and throwing herself into the river

But suddenly... Someone’s hand grabbed her right hand tightly, not allowing she should fall

Holding the stranger's hand tightly, the guy pulled her from the dead end to the ground, falling to the ground himself

He looked at the girl, she opened her eyes and looked at him

The guy got up from the ground and forcibly lifted the girl with him

"ARE YOU THOUGHT TO DIE!?"-, the guy shouted desperately pointing at the river and looking at Seok Kyung.

-Who are you?

There was silence for a few seconds

-What did you do?

-Why did you do that?! No need to save me!

-Do you want to die?

-Yes I want to die! I have no reason to live! I'm tired! Leave me alone!

-Do you think everything will end if you die? Do you think everything will end!? Have you ever thought about those who love you? About those you love?

-I have such people. But...At the very least, it will be better if I die-, with these words the girl was ready to throw herself from the bridge onto the river.

Coming closer and grabbing the hands of an unknown girl, the guy pulled her towards him, which is why she both fell.The phone that was in Seok Kyung's bag fell on the water and she herself fell to the ground along with the mysterious guy 

Boy lay on the ground for a couple of seconds. The guy got up

-People just like you think that others will be better off if they die, but you can't imagine what it's like when a loved one commits suicide! So live. Live so that your family does not suffer because of your mistake! Live to see how happy they are with you-, the guy said these words with deep despair before turning around and leaving, leaving Seok Kyung crying on the ground...


-Why doesn’t mom answer?... - said Seok Hoon looking at the phone

-Maybe she fell asleep? It’s getting dark after all.

-I don’t know...

-Maybe you can call Seok Kyung? She should be back by now...

-I’ll do that... -, having dialed Seok Kyung’s number, Seok Hoon already began to feel old, he was afraid of something, as if something would happen...

-Let's go back. Dating isn't as important as your family


-Why are you apologizing? Let's go to Hera's Palace


Joo Seok Kyung stood in front of the so-called shelter of Joo Dan Tae, looking at the abandoned building whose eyes were full of despair and anger... She headed straight inside this building

She remembered what that stranger told her

-So live. Live so that your family does not suffer because of your mistake! Live to see how happy they are with you

—I must live. Live to kill Ju Dan Tae with your own hands...


—Seok Kyung, Seok Hoon...If you received this recording right now, then most likely I am dead. Forgive me...Your mother loves you very much....
—I fought for you. And I will die for your sake. I once told you that I would die for you if necessary. Looks like that moment has come... I hope that Ju Dan Tae will be punished for his actions and that I will not die in vain. Seok Hoon, if I die after I reach my destination, take care of your sister... Don't be harsh like you are now. I, her mother, did not give her enough love and I blame myself for this. But you, I hope you take care of her...
—Seok Kyung... Daughter, I never shared you and Rona. You were and will remain my daughter. I'm sorry that I'm leaving you like that... I'm sorry that I didn't take care of you properly... I love you very much, my children...

Note: Wow! What a surprise Seok Kyung is alive! And who is that mysterious guy? Then who was on the building in front of Soo Ryung?Who will die and who will live? First of all, how will this all end? Wait for season 2 to understand everything!
This guys is THE END!

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