Chapter 13

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1 week later

—Joo Seok Kyung! Joo Seok Kyung come back! You can't go out!

The menacing voice of Shim Soo-ryong was heard throughout the Penthouse. In addition to her, Seok Hoon

Soo-ryong was nearby and forbade Seok-kyung to leave the Penthouse anywhere since Joo Dan-tae was put on the wanted list

—Just stay at home. Don’t you understand what he can do?-, Seok Hoon said standing in front of his sister, blocking her path.

Seok Kyung snorted and looked at her brother with emotionless eyes

—I don’t care. I have no reason to live. And why should I hide anyway? He is the one who has to hide

—Do you want to say that you have nothing to live for? How can you say that? Do you even know how valuable your life is to me? For us, Seok Hoon, your life is worth more than a ton of gold-, said Soo Ryung holding Seok Kyung by the shoulders, said Soo Ryung holding Seok Kyung by the shoulders Seok Kyung rolled her eyes before moving away from her mother

—Or rather, you don’t care about me. You won't care if I die. Should I die so you will remember me? To you and Seok Hoon, Rona's life is worth more than mine.

—JOO SEOK KYUNG!-, Seok Hoon shouted, unable to bear the anger within himself

—What!?” Is this a lie!? Is that why you didn’t leave Rona’s apartment 24/7!? That's why you were always next to her!? You don't care whether I'm alive or dead! For you, RONA IS MORE IMPORTANT!-, with screams that echoed throughout the Penthouse, Seok Kyung grabbed a vase from the cabinet that stood next to the sofa and threw it on the floor. The sound of breaking glass rang throughout the Penthouse and shattered into pieces

—I’d rather die... than live so-, she said, finally looking at both people shocked by her act

—How is this so?-asked Seok Hoon without taking his eyes off the floor where shards of glass were lying

—I hate this house, I hate this life, I HATE EVERYTHING! You kicked me out of your life, while adding BAE RONA in my place. There’s no way I’m going to measure myself against this girl.

—Let them die...-, said Seok Kyung, gritting her teeth. Before leaving, she grabbed her bag from Soo Ryeon's hands and walked away from the Penthouse. Tears fell from Soo Ryeon's eyes one after another, she sat on the sofa, massaging her forehead, continuing to think about her daughter.

Seok Hoon stood motionless, his face slightly reddened. he was still looking at the floor

—I... I'll go out for a couple of hours, don't worry, I'll protect myself. Don’t go out anywhere...-, he said and headed out, leaving Soo Ryung alone with her thoughts


Walking out of the penthouse doors, Seok Hoon walked up to the elevator but stopped with his hands leaning against the nearest wall. He felt a despair inside him that he couldn’t swallow it like before. On the one hand he was angry, and on the other he was desperate that he could not support his mother and sister. Seok Kyung was right, he thought. He was always with Rona. He wasn't there for his mom or his sister. He was worried about Rona, but Rona is also important and valuable to him, just like his family.

Or rather, for you and Seok Hoon, Rona’s life is worth more than mine.

You don’t even care whether I’m alive or dead!

Or rather, for you and Seok Hoon, Rona’s life is worth more than mine. Should I die so that you will remember me?

One after another, he remembered the words of Seok Kyung, who said whatever she wanted out of anger

May you die...

—Who are you?...


Standing by the Han River, Joo Seok Kyung looked at the river while her eyes filled with tears She cried remembering those cruel words she said to her mother and brother. Why is she doing this? Why does she treat her mother and brother like this if she later regrets it?

The answer is simple. Seok Kyung decided that it would be better to pretend that her daughter was terrible than weak. She hoped that if she moved away from them every day, then in the end they would not have the strength to tolerate her and kick her out so that she could die in peace...

The girl smiled. She suddenly remembered the moments when before she could not share her mother with her brother, when she and her brother were in a sincere relationship between brother and younger twin sister. She missed those days...

"Forgive me”-, she said, closing her eyes before stepping forward and throwing herself into the river

/Imagine something like this/

 /Imagine something like this/

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But suddenly... Someone’s hand grabbed her right hand tightly, not allowing she should fall





—Shim Soo Ryung...

—Joo Dan Tae?!

—Shim Soo Ryung, how are you doing? How are my sweet twins doing?

—How dare you ask about them!? Where are you hiding, son of a bitch?!

—Right now Seok Kyung is not in the Penthouse. Right?

—Seok Kyung...Where is my daughter? What did you do to her, you bastard?!

—I have your daughter. I'll send you the address. Come and get it. And quickly, if you don’t want to take the dead body.


—JooDan Tae, you son of a bitch!


—Pick up the phone...

—Come on...

Calling her daughter, Soo Ryung drove at concrete speed to the address sent by Ju Dan Tae. Having arrived at the address, Shim Soo Ryong rushed inside the building


—Seok Kyung!

—Joo Dan Tae!?

—Get out, bastard!

—Seok Kyung!

Searching the task from room to room, she could not find either Joo Dan Tae or her daughter Joo Seok Kyung

—Seok Kyung!

Opening the door of the last room in this abandoned place, Soo Ryong noticed the lifeless body of a girl...

—Seok Kyung!!!


Suddenly Soo Ryun felt a strong blow to the head

—I will be glad to add you to my collection Shim Soo Ryun

—Joo... Dan...T...

Before she could finish what she started, the woman fell to the floor

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