💕 Chapter 8 💕

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Y/N and Katia both made it to the driveway and slowly pulled in. From there, you lightly drove into the garage just enough to where you can close the garage door. Then, you turned off the car.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Katia took the straw out of her mouth to talk. "That was.... Pretty fuckin sick, let's do that again sometime!" She grinned holding the cup with both of her hands, having finished her "Earth snack".

"Of course, I would love to take you another time." You smiled and took off the seatbelt for her. "Alright, lets go inside. C'mon."

You opened the door for the cat, and she stood up from her seat. Her legs felt a little noodled and she leaned into your chest, and you held onto her hands for balance. Katia looked up at you innocently and blushed deeply.

Realizing this suggestive interaction, you blushed at her back and you both slowly let go, both awkwardly smiling and chuckling.

"Heh, after you," you said as you were getting heat flashes. You shut the car door and both of you proceeded to the door, to which you opened for her.

"How about you sit on the couch while I make us something really delightful, okay? Here's my phone, watch as much TikTok or YouTube as you like."


"They're very similar, YouTube is the one with the red icon. It still has the tiny people you talk about on it."

She nodded her head.

You leaned on the counter with your hands. "You know what I forgot to do?"


You pointed. "I still need to put your clothes in the dryer."

"Oh yeah I remember, the thingy that dries shit!" She said with a positive expression. You nodded back with a smirk.

You then proceeded to the hallway to do just that, and dry her clothes. Afterwards, you returned to the kitchen, and take the water in the pan that you used as a demonstration earlier, and began to cook the food.

On the other side, in the living room, Katia really started to feel a connection towards Y/N. Y/N has treated her with nothing but kindness, and she felt like she had to return the favor in some way, somehow romantic. She truly felt like this relationship could be everlasting.

Katia wanted to confess, but was unsure how. She understood that Y/N was lonely just like her, and, she just don't know. Something in the stars tell her that this was meant to be.

"Though I am homesick, I will seriously miss the friends I have made, like Quill-Weave, the crazy well lady, the narcissistic wizard bitch who stole all my items once, and Asotil. Right now, forget all of that. If I shall never return to my home world, I wouldn't know who else to spend the rest of my life with, other than Y/N!" Her mind cried out.

Katia had to let her feelings out, and get it over with. As you were cooking, Katia walked into the kitchen to softly pat your shoulder.


You turned around. "Oh, hey Kat. Wh-"

You were interrupted with her lips on yours. Katia slowly leaned in and kissed you right there, and emotions cut the air like a knife.

What felt like lifetimes upon lifetimes, she ended the kiss and wrapped her loving arms around you.

"I love you," she said in your shoulder with a soft, touching voice.

You held her as well, with your hand on her head and your fingers in her fur. "I love you, too," you whispered back dearly.

Both of your torsos let go, but both of your hands still held on. "I need to get back to cooking, okay?" You told her in a deep tone.

"Okay," they both let go completely, and Katia finished with a peck on your cheek, and walked away.

She sat down back on the couch overwhelmed with joy and giggling, wondering what the evening might hold next  with her potential first boyfriend. This was the first time she has a chance of being in an actual romantic relationship with somebody... With You.

Once you were finished with the food you made, you began to make a plate for you and Katia with proper happiness. A flawless Monday with just you and her.

You then walked into the living room and gave her a plate. It was homemade spaghetti.

This time, instead of pulling up a chair, you pulled only the table over, and you sat with her on the couch. You both ate while watching some compilations and funny reaction videos on YouTube.

After that, once you were both eating, you took yours and hers plates to put them away.

You rubbed your hands together. "Hey, wanna take a shower together? It'll save on water." You winked.

She blushed, but then replied excitedly. "I would love that!"

You took her hand and she stood up from the couch. Both of you walked to the bathroom and took off each other's clothes, and passionately made-out.

What happened next was rather obvious... Both of you took this advantage of vulnerability and made love together, while importantly noting you both saved on water and got each other clean.

Since her clothes were still in the process of drying, you decided to let her wear another pair of your clothes, at least for one more night. Once both of you dried each other off and got dressed, you decided to take the beds and move them together, making it into one large bed.

"Let's watch a movie," you advised.

"'Movie'? What is that?"

"Well, it's basically people captured on a screen and they act out scenes."

She stood there with a blank expression.

"It's okay if you don't get it now," you said. "It could just be background stuff for us to fall asleep to, at the very least."

She chuckled an "okay".

On your computer, you then put on [INSERT MOVIE HERE BECUASE IM NOT CREATIVE]

Next, both you and the cat both got in the bed together and cuddled. Katia gave the most reactions, both positive and negative, since she was not used to this new mode of entertainment.

Eventually, though, both of you fell asleep, in each other's arms as newly claimed couples.


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