Chapter 9: Friction

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Morning approached.

A weird and interesting dream had suddenly made you peek your eyes open and wake you up halfway. But unfortunately you were unable to recall what exactly happened in the dream.

You turned around to find Katia still sleeping, and her nose whistled most quietly, like a mouse. You smirked halfway and slowly petted her head, making her purr softly.

After a moment of this slight entertainment, you got up from the bed to check her clothes in the dryer. Gladly they were fully dry, and they were still a little bit warm.

You picked them up and took them back to your room, and put them on the bed. Next, you wanted to wake up Katia and address a matter that was rather important.

you patted her on the shoulder. "Hey." You said in a bold tone.

Her eyes opened and turned to you. "Hmm..?" She then said, "oh hey," during her long stretch.

Your arms were crossed. "I suppose we got a little carried away last night, huh?"

"Yeah..." She didn't know what to say. But her expression was very sorry. She then stood up straight, with her legs still in the covers, and rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"I got your clothes from the dryer, too, by the way... There are right next to you."

"Oh, thank you."

After a short pause, you dropped your hands to your sides and followed up with, "Perhaps I am the one that needs to apologize."

"What? No, Y/N, it's okay, please." She advised comfortingly, and took one our hands.  "This was one-hundred percent on me. I- I might have gotten a little too emotional, saying 'I love you' and everything, and now here we are."

"Yeah, and I forced you to have sex with me, like a fucking idiot." You frowned.

"You didn't force me to have sex with you, Y/N. I wanted it." Katia smiled to reassure you, looking into your eyes. "I don't know why... You were alone, I was alone. It just felt like too good to be true. I am sorry for rushing."

"No, Katia. It was both our faults really. Please don't be so hard on yourself. And yes, we are pretty lonely, even though I don't like to admit it."

"Do you think we should slow down a bit? Not completely hit the brakes, but to simply take time and cherish one another. Experience the little things together first, before we take the relationship to the next level?"

"Yeah, I agree. That is a great idea. It's like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. It's the journey that matters, not the top of the hill."

"What's an 'elevator'?"

"A machine that propels you to the top of buildings- oh, nevermind ... Yes, slowing down would be great for our relationship. I agree."

"I know what you're saying. Good." She grinned.

"By the way, who are you?"


"Er... What 'species' are you? You have a lot of 'cat' features."

"Oh... Well I am a Khajiit," she giggled.

"Oh wow, that's interesting. See, now you're teaching me some things." You sat down on the bed. "Is it just humans and Khajiits from your universe? Or are there other species that I might need to be aware of?"

"The proper term is 'Khajiiti', but yes. There are ten main species in our world: high, wood, and dark elves. Argonian, Khajiit (me), Redguard, Breton, Orcs, Nords, and Imperials, which are basically humans."

"That's crazy. Because on Earth, there are only humans."

"Wait, what?" She was shocked from learning yet another fact about this world. "Now I'm even more weirded-out."

"It's okay." You got up from the bed and walked over to the window to pick up a piece of technology. You then struggled to switch some pieces around with your hands. "If I ever can get this stupid thing to work, maybe I can tap into that universe you are talking about. Perhaps send a message, or even better, make a portal."

She just remembered. "Yes, that's what I jumped out of... A portal!"

You hung the device to your waist with your hands. "Really? What did the portal look like?"

"Well, it was mainly blue, hints of green. Seemed a bit unstable, too." She sighed. "I know, before you say anything, I should have never jumped in, but I'm a dumbass and I-"

"Wait- you're telling me my portal worked?!"

Katia's eyes widened, and she tensely pointed at you. "S- S- So-" Anxiety and pressure tightened inside of her. "So you're telling me, that 'portal' shit was because of you?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Gods damn it!" Her hands started to shake. "I would have continued living my normal life, if it wasn't because of you!"

"No, Katia, listen please. If I got it to work before. I am able to get it to work again."

Her arms crossed. "And to think, I even had sex with you, too." You chuckled with disbelief.

The silence was loud and ringing. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. After a few moments, you then broke the silence. "Katia. I know you are upset. But I promise I will find a way to get you back to your own universe, your own timeline, everything."

Katia did not respond, and only gave you a very disappointed glair, almost as if she was about to cry, but didn't.

You pulled down a huge blackboard written with all kinds of math equations, graphs, and patterns drawn on it. "I know you might not understand all of this. But this is proof that I know what I am doing."

You put the device back by the window where it was. You opened your arms. "Do you need a hug?"

Her voice was despondent, her head was now resting above her hands. "Maybe later, I just need to be left alone for a minute."

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