Chapter 24: A Fateful Turn

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The Secret Scientists continued forth with their work as they sat around in a circle, taking notes and touching the orange with white gloves. The only light came from that lamp hanging overhead the scientists.

In the corner of your eye, you saw the President stand up and brushed off his trousers. You turned your head to fully capture him in your vision as he walked over to a small red button on a podium. Once he pressed it, all the lights in the room came on and you squinted to adjust.

Automatic doors opened from both sides, and two masked and dark-clothes men came out.

"Well, this has been a good, good evening," the president clasped his hands together after he set his champagne down on the table next to him. He grinned lazily with tired and shallow eyes, lacking no remorse or emotion, "but, I am afraid I am going to need you. Forever." He giggled passionately with the weight of his whole lungs, jubilant of his foul plan in action.

Both of the dark-clothed men hurried to you and Katia, and you quickly held onto her. You watched as the hand that held onto yours with an adrenaline grip, torn away immediately. Your heart shattered in pieces at the sight of her struggling with her claws out, screaming.

Both of you screamed out your names as you both slowly got dragged away from each other. You pulled and pushed with all your might to break free from the mindless big ape of a guard, but there was no hope. Your pupils shrunk in rage and terror, seeing the other half of your heart from a distance fall apart.

She continued to scream and cry as she gave up and fell lifeless to the body of the large man. She flash-backed:

It's alright. Everything is going to be okay. And if anything happens, I will save you.

Tears fell on your own face as you catatonically let the large man holding onto you carry you wherever they needed to take you. As you were being dragged away and down the hallway, you miserably looked at your feet making a shameful trail on the floor.

The mysterious man opened a large steel door and threw you in an apartment-sized cell with a glass-paned wall. Beforehand, the gentleman stabbed you with a tranquilizer needle. You tried to get up and attack the man, or otherwise run away, but you couldn't, and you were knocked out on the floor. The door was sealed and locked. The same situation for Katia.

Hours later, what happens to be the next morning, Katia woke up to her new environment.  At first, she was dazed, unsure of where she was, but then shortly after, it clicked, and her pupils shrank in fear and disconnection. She went over to the bunk bed and curled up, the hairs of her fur stood up, and she was almost shaking.

In the hallway leading up to the cell she was in, the President walked up to the glass, and he tapped on it. The noise startled her and she looked over her knees with exhaustion.

"So, how is everything in there?" The President richly grinned with his hands on his hips, pretending to act strong and confident. "Listen, I'm sorry that you are in distress, miss, but this is for our own good. You are, how you say, 'valuable' to us, now. I can't just let an opportunity like this slip out of my hands, now can I?"

Katia spoke just above a whisper, her voice strained from all the stress and screaming. "F-Fuck you." Her eyes beamed with hatred and trauma.

He scoffed and dropped his hands to his sides. "Well don't let my intimidating disposition and my aggressive actions fool you, young lady. After all, this is your home now. That's no way to treat me, the guest."

She leaped out of the bunk and beat on the glass hissing, calling him unspeakable names in her own language. The President asked what she spoke, to which she responded with "figure it out yourself," glaring at him with arms crossed.

In the other cell, you woke up finally and sat down on the carpet in front of you reflecting your decisions. Worry began to flood over you as you started to think about Katia and her anxiety.

At the same routine fashion, the President walked up against your cell's glass window. "Hello, my trusted friend. I bet you didn't expect this incident, did you?"

You started at him on the ground criss-cross with betrayal, and remained silent.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I hope you can understand why this is happening. You are a little too dangerous to be kept around the general public, and, well, I need you here closer to me. Your invention can cause a lot of problems if regular people found out, and I am worried those scientists are going to run their mouths as well." He shifted his eyes back and forth to make it clear he was paranoid and borderline delusional. "So, come on, pal. Let's get back to your scientific genius, huh? What more exciting ideas do you have in your noggin?"

"I ain't doing shit for you, old man."

"Oh, well that's easy." The President pulled out a gun from his coat pocket and pointed it at you, to which you did not even flinch at since you had nothing to lose. But then, he had an even more wicked idea. "Better yet," he turned his body in the opposite direction, "how about something more exciting for you than just dying. What about I kill your cat girlfriend that you brought with you in the other room?"

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