Chapter 12: "Video games"

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F/N = Friend's Name

"Wait... So you saw me?!" Katia blushed wildly.

"Yep," you replied to her confidently.

"A-and you didn't bother to tell me?!" She got frustrated, which only made her face even redder with embarrassment.

"Nope. But hey, whatever you were doing, it was working. For the first time, I saw your confident side." You gave her a warm smile. "But come on, let's go home. I don't want to waste gas."

After a momentary pause, Katia said, "But no one was supposed to see me. I should have been invisible. I don't understand."

"Yeah, I'm afraid everything that was happening in your world does not happen here. The laws of science are a little different."

The Khajiit frowned on the way home. Her main emotions were anger, confusion, and embarrassment. However, these emotions would then nourish into acceptance and a sense of gratitude. She listened to what you have said about having confidence, and she let out an audible chuckle.

"Yeah?" You smile at her curiously. "What's up?"

"What you said about me having confidence. I started to think about it some more." She looked at you. "I'm not mad at you. In fact, I thank you. I am grateful that I met you in my life because that meant so much to me, and unknowingly gave me a new perspective on how to approach everyone."

"Hey, sometimes the best way to have courage is to pretend like you are invisible. That way, no one knows what they are looking at and they are only judging thin air."

She took one hand and pressed it on your thigh and she leaned in to kiss your cheek. "Now you mean even more to me." She lightly blushed and smiled from ear to ear.

You blushed as well. "I- er- well. I try."

She giggled cutely and her eyes sparkled. "I love when you get flustered."

Eventually you both arrive back at the house and you pulled the car into the garage, making sure the car is fully in before you closed the garage door. Afterwards, you opened Katia's door and offered your hand to support her as she got up.

All doors were closed and locked, and you two proceeded to head inside fully. Katia sat down in her designated spot, and you leaned on the kitchen counter with your hands again, as though it was a repeat of yesterday.

"Eh, I don't feel like cooking today." You said out loud. "Do you want some leftover spaghetti from the fridge, Katia?"

"Sure, Y/N," she replied with a smile. "I'll eat just about anything, as long as it's not like a tire or something like that." Her smile faded into an almost-frown.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, because of your situation back in your universe." An idea then almost immediately crossed your mind. "I have an idea, how about we play a video game? Let's have some fun a little." You then walked to the living room and laid a hand down behind her. "It will take your mind off of everything."

"Uh sure, I would be happy to. I will try and take part in this thing Earth people call 'video game'."

You giggle. "Great."

You then hurried back to the kitchen and heated up some spaghetti for you and Katia in separate plates. Next, you came back and gave her a serving. "Okay, come on, I will show you." You lended out a hand again and she took it with a smug look.

Both of you then walked down the hallway cautiously and into your room, as Katia was balancing her plate in one hand. When you both arrive, you both sat down your plates on the nightstand on the lefthand side of the bed and you turned on your computer, which was also on the lefthand side.

"Ohhh, here's a video game that even Earth people struggle with sometimes. But oh my goodness, it is so fun." You move the computer chair out of the way. "We call this video game 'Rocket League'."

"Rocket League?"

"Yep, it's extremely complicated to explain in one night what the game is based off of, but basically, you are a car and you hit a ball around."

Katia's eyebrows lowered, trying her best to understand. "Okay?"

"Here," you give her a controller. "use this circular stick to select an option, and then press A to select it. In this case, I want you to select the 'Play'."

She then moved the stick up to the 'play' option, and then looked down to find the A button, and she tapped it with her index finger.

"Awesomeeee, now next, press the 'casual' option."

Katia pressed Casual, as she was instructed.

"Now, I want you to hit the '2v2' option, since that would be the easiest mode for you." You gave her a reassuring rub on the back. "You don't have to tense to much, Kat, just relax. This game does not require for you to think or make you stress."

She sighed. "Okay." And selected the 2v2 option. "What happens next?"

"Just wait until you hear noises. If you hear noises, then that means it is about to start. Really quickly, drive around using the trigger here, turn the car with the circular stick, and A to jump. Those are the three biggest things."

She understood. After a moment, the search lit up and sounds were happening. She jumped slightly, and then started to get excited.

Finally the match started, and other cars around the Khajiit were touching the ball. Since the players were beginners as well, she was able to touch the ball at least one time. "Oh my goodness, you're right Y/N. This is fun!" She began to laugh with pure excitement and joy.

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" Katia then shouted as she was rolling the ball into the net. The ball then exploded in the game and she let out a loud "WOAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Once Katia was starting to get fully absorbed into the so-called 'video game', you then hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it."

You then kissed her on the cheek. "Be right back." She blushed and her eyes darted to you and she smiled. Her eyes then immediately fixed back onto the screen while she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

You left the room, walked down the hallway, and then opened the door. It was your best friend, F/N.

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