Chapter 11: The Bank

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You approached her playfully and opened the door for her. Katia opened the door and pouted with a tear in her eye as though she was embarrassed. You giggled and then proceed to open the driver side door and let yourself in.

Both of you sat down and buckled up, and you turned the ignition to start the car once more. Katia jumped as usual, but then calmed down quite rapidly, as she remembered what you told her. She was slowly starting to adapt to this new world. But, she surely has not experienced everything just yet.

As what routinely happened before, you pulled out of the garage, and proceeded to roll you car onto the highway, and proceeded to drive. Katia began to grow nervous again. her ears lowered and her tail was in her lap.

You held her hand as you were driving and lovingly rubbed it with your thumb. "It'll be okay, Katia. It is the same thing like last time."

She nodded her head timidly.

Though Katia is now adapting to the experience of her riding with you in a car. You have a feeling her anxiety is not going to go away from it for quite a long time.

Eventually, after some driving and some turns you arrive at this bank you mentioned in the same small town you both were in earlier. The same town in which you gave her those potato chips and beef jerky.

You parked the car near the front of the building. "Do you want to come in with me?" You showed her a gentle smile.

She blushed a little, but since it seems like the bank wasn't busy at all today, she slowly nodded her head. She felt she would rather be with you, than be alone in the car with strangers walking by, wondering what that strange creature is.

"Okay, great!" You grinned with joy. "You're getting better."

She blushed more and smiled back, very happy with your compliment. Katia then opened her Inventory to put on her Cloak of Grey Tomorrow. She hoped and prayed that maybe this outfit can still turn her invisible in this universe.

"Hey, Y/N?" She asked once you opened her side of the door.

"Yes, Katia?"

"This cloak I am wearing. I have an idea. Once I put this hoodie on, I will turn invisible, okay? During this time," she took your hand, "I- I will be holding your hand."

"Oh... Okay, Katia. I don't see a problem with that." You reached her hand up to your lips and kissed them. "Hopefully your plan will work." You unbuckled her seatbelt. Let's get going. As you walked to the front door, Katia proceeded to put on the hoodie.

You can clearly still see her, and the cloak did not do anything special. You gasped and pretended to be shocked. "Oh my goodness, Katia. You disappeared. But I can feel your hand though still... That's so weird!"

The Khajiit tried to contain her laughter, totally convinced she was actually invisible.

Both of you then made your way inside the bank, and walked up to the bank teller. "Oh hello there, how can I help you?" Inside the bank, it was actually quite a few people inside, to both of you's surprise.

"Hi," you respond and slid Katia's card Soul Carin card across the desk, "Are you able to pull up any account info on this and see how much money is on it currently?"

"Sure." The teller picks up the card and runs it through a machine attached to the computer. The teller then pulls out a keypad for you. "Put in the pin number please."

"The pin number?" You talk to Katia quietly.

"Oh... It's 6 3 4 2."

You then punch those number into the keypad. The screen above lights green as though signifying that it is a valid pin for that card, and you turn the pad over to the bank teller, that was actively researching Katia's account information on the computer.

"Okay, well according to the details of this card, you appeared to have had 628 'Sep-tims'? Whatever that means. And when adjusting to the inflation of the US Dollar, that comes to around fifty dollars."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Katia whispered.

"It's good, but fifty dollars ain't much in this world. It's kinda like saying you have 50 Septims  in your world."

"Oh my." She gave a solumn expression and her ears folded.

"Hey, but that's okay. You live with me rent free. As a roommate, and technically, partner." You smiled with your teeth. She returned the smile with a slight blush.

The bank teller hands you the card back. "Is there anything else I can do for y'all?"

"Nope, that will be it, thank you!"


You and Katia walked back outside. The Sun was soon getting ready to set, and rush hour traffic began to roll by. You sighed, still holding onto her hand, and walked back to your car.

Both of you hopped in and you started the car back up again. The car hummed in protest.

"You know, I could still see you the whole time. You were never invisible."

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